By Cody Coconate Siberian Tiger 12/10/08 Mrs.Hinshaw This powerpoint is about a Siberian Tiger. It will grab your attention.
Where do Siberian tigers live? Siberian tigers live in China, Europe, and North America. Globe picture from google images.
The characteristics of a Siberian tiger. A Siberian tiger has two openings on the top of it’s mouth. It allows it to smell and detect odors.
The Siberian tigers ecosystem A adult tiger needs it’s own territory that is a forest area with plenty of food and water. It can range from 40 to 400 square miles.
What are the non-living parts where Siberian tigers live? The non-living parts where Siberian tigers live are small bugs, dead trees, and dead plants.
What are the living parts where Siberian tigers live. Trees Plants Animals bugs
What is the role in Siberian tigers ecosystem? Siberian tigers are a predator they eat red deer, moose, roe deer, sika deer, musk deer, and goral. Tigers are the biggest cat. They fall in the family of cats.
Siberian tigers Siberian tigers live a interesting life. Now you know everything about tigers. I would like to thank google images for pictures and google web for all the information.