The Beginners’ Guide to Post-16 Citizenship 7th October 2008 Peterborough Alan Wilkins and Di Layzelle WELCOME
Aims of the day to explore what constitutes post-16 citizenship to understand the purpose and benefits of engaging young people in active citizenship activities to review the different approaches to delivering post-16 citizenship to consider key principles for effective post-16 citizenship teaching and learning to exchange ideas and experiences with other practitioners new to post-16 citizenship and consider examples of good practice to select a range of free resources to assist you in introducing post-16 citizenship into your practice
Accredited certificate in teaching citizenship Programme magazine - Citizenship News Training events across the regions Centre based training - for colleges only at present Learning materials Staff development resources Updates on post-16 citizenship via community e -bulletin Website: Note: External evaluation by HOST on impact of support programme. People may be invited to respond
Programme - morning Welcome, introductions and expectations Welcome, introductions and expectations Post 16 citizenship and the support programme – origins and organisation Four points of view - What comprises active citizenship? And is it a good idea? The Post 16 citizenship programme – insights and discoveries Is it citizenship? Activity A practitioner example – Di Layzelle - Croydon College
Programme - afternoon The post 16 citizenship programme - support and resources Taking stock - audit activity to use when you get back Setting out – how to implement post 16 citizenship – six approaches Personal plans for implementation Evaluation and close
Who is here and why? Find your place on the ‘map’ Find the nearest two collegues Exchange with each other Your names Roles and responsibilities Why here to day Expectations for the event
Post-16 citizenship - Origins and support The Crick reports Citizenship at key stages 3 and 4 The Post-16 Citizenship Development Programme (2001-2006) The Post-16 Citizenship Support Programme (2006-ongoing) Post-16 citizenship in all post-16 settings QCA guidance
Play your part: post-16 citizenship QCA guidance The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority developed guidance for post-16 citizenship (the framework appears on page 8 of the Getting started booklet). The framework is deliberately flexible, recognises education and training in a range of different contexts, many different programmes and courses at a range of levels. Provides three essential opportunities that young people should have when undertaking citizenship studies: identify, investigate and think critically about citizenship issues, problems or events of concern to them decide on and take part in follow-up action where appropriate reflect on, recognise and review their citizenship learning.
Four points of view – preferred drink Top left Top top right Beer Spirits Bottom left Bottom right Wine Water
Four points of view – preferred holiday destination Top left Top top right UK World Bottom left Bottom right Europe Local
Four points of view – active citizenship is? Top left Top top right Personal rather than public Staff directed Bottom left Bottom right Learner led Fits with curriculum
Four points of view - The current major focus Top left Top top right Accredited qualification Community cohesion Bottom left Bottom right Volunteering Learner voice
Four points of view - the facilitators approach Top left Top top right Balanced approach Stating own position Bottom left Bottom right Neutral chairing Challenging consensus
Four points of view – How do/will you make it happen? Top left Top top right Me alone A team approach Bottom left Bottom right Citizenship policy Sustainability Huh!
What is citizenship? Citizenship Education equips young people with the knowledge, understanding and skills to play an active, effective part in society as informed, critical citizens who are socially and morally responsible. It aims to give them confidence and conviction that they can act with others, have influence and make a difference in their communities (locally, nationally, globally) Play your part: post-16 citizenship, QCA guidance (2004)
Post 16 citizenship – insights and discoveries Three levels – social and moral issues Volunteering and community contribution Political literacy Active learning and review Young people issues based Shared responsibility
Is it citizenship?
A practitioner example Di Layzelle – Croydon College
Post 16 citizenship - support and resources
Taking stock and getting started What are we doing already and is it citizenship? Working with senior management Working with other staff Working with learners Working with the local community Assessment and accreditation
Key principles for post-16 citizenship Learner led approaches Citizenship and active learning Responding to sensitive, controversial and topical issues Engaging with the wider community and external partners
Setting out - approaches to post-16 citizenship Six distinct but related approaches to post-16 citizenship have been indentified: Learner voice and representation Qualifications and personalised programmes Group tutorial and enrichment programmes Voluntary and community-based activities Single events Research projects In practice it is desirable to combine several different forms of provision to ensure a wide range of citizenship learning opportunities for as many young people as possible.
Personal plans for implementation Please return to the regional group you were in this morning
Main principles of getting started Providing motivating activities for young people, making it different and allowing the word to spread Allowing young people to choose topics of interest to them Making learning active Starting small Working with committed staff and not reluctant ones Involving the young people in selling the benefits Exploring and exploiting opportunities Proving to senior management that there are benefits to the organisation
Evaluation and close Please complete the evaluation form before you leave. Thanks for being with us today. Alan and Di
Citizenship Uncovered: A young persons guide to post-16 citizenship
Aims of the DVD To educate young people about Citizenship and what it means to be an active citizen To promote good practice emerging from current citizenship projects To show adults and young people that citizenship education can be fun, engaging and worthwhile