Michigan Michigan The Great Lake State Gabriel Pizzolla Teacher: Mrs. Walther
Name MichiganNameOrigin.html Michigan has 2 nick names The first nick name is the Wolverine state the other nick name is the Great Lake State
Bird places-michigan htmlhttp://whttp://traveltips.usatoday.com/fun- places-michigan html The American Robin breeds in spring It has a red chest It also has a black head
Flower outflowers/stateflowers/michigan-state- flowershttp:// outflowers/stateflowers/michigan-state- flowers Proclaimed Michigan’s state flower Natives made it the state flower The apple Blossom blooms in spring
Famous People michigan.com/Famous_People.htmhttp:// michigan.com/Famous_People.htm Michigan famous singer actor and football player The famous football player is Tom Brady The actor is Tim Allen The famous singer is Eminem
Places of Interest michigan htmlhttp://traveltips.usatoday.com/fun-places- michigan html Visitors can take pictures Relax on beaches Go exploring in the sand dunes
Choice Michigan's collage football team are the Wolverines Michigan's baseball team is the Detroit tigers Michigan's basket ball team are the team is the Detroit Pistons
References eOrigin.htmlhttp:// eOrigin.html htmlhttp://traveltips.usatoday.com/fun-places-michigan html michigan htmlhttp://whttp://traveltips.usatoday.com/fun-places- michigan html teflowers/michigan-state-flowershttp:// teflowers/michigan-state-flowers eOrigin.html