Electrical principles, magnet components and schematics, risks to and from magnets, protection MOPS Training Session KHM The nice ideas and pictures are stolen from M. Wilson, A. Siemko., R. Denz and P. Schmueser. The mistakes and the rest of it are mine. Apologies for the quality of pictures and talk. It had to be prepared in a hurry, parallel to HC.
Electrical principles, magnet components and schematics, risks to and from magnets, protection MOPS Training Session KHM
Outline Components in a typical circuit Energies Risks Energy Management (Protection) Quench Detection Reminder
The basic components: Consider a superconductor, already immersed in LHe:
The basic components: Consider a superconductor, already immersed in LHe: As such pretty useless, but the picture is incomplete, anyhow:
The basic components: Consider a superconductor, already immersed in LHe: We need: Current leads and all the warm parts We will have in addition: Inductance, resistance and capacitance
A single wire in details L CC C R R R
L CC C R R R Stored magnetic energy Stored electrical energy Frequency dependence A single wire in detail
Stored Magnetic Energy LHC dipole magnet (twin apertures) E = ½ LI 2 L = 0.12H I = 11.5kA E = 7.8 x 10 6 Joules the magnet weighs 26 tonnes so the magnetic stored energy is equivalent to the kinetic energy of: 26 tonnes travelling at 88km/hr
Stored Magnetic Energy LHC dipole magnet (twin apertures) E = ½ LI 2 L = 0.12H I = 11.5kA E = 7.8 x 10 6 Joules the magnet weighs 26 tonnes so the magnetic stored energy is equivalent to the kinetic energy of: 26 tonnes travelling at 88km/hr
Stored Magnetic Energy In a sector we have 154 magnets…in LHC we have 154*8 magnets with a total stored energy of E=9.6 GJ
Stored Magnetic Energy In a sector we have 154 magnets…in LHC we have 154*8 magnets with a total stored energy of E=9.6 GJ This corresponds a to ship running at 27 knots.
Stored Magnetic Energy In a sector we have 154 magnets…in LHC we have 154*8 magnets with a total stored energy of E=9.6 GJ This corresponds a to ship running at 27 knots.
Stored Magnetic Energy Magnetic energy can be converted to electrical energy by a fast change of the current (break of busbar, opening of a switch….). U=L dI/dt
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days In 2003: About 15…20% of all cold tested magnets have isolation problems. They can (with some exceptions) not be used in the tunnel. Why are these faults not detected earlier in the manufacturing? Reason 1: The faults are produced during cool down. (heater, omega) Reason 2: It is difficult, because we use Helium or measure lousy transmission lines. In 2008: Not all were found during the tests!!!
Back to the basics Consider a superconductor, already immersed in LHe:
18 Kamerlingh Onnes liquifies for the first time (1908) Helium and studies the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of metals. (1911) Below a critical temperature the resistance (voltage drop) seems to disappear. He calls the phenomenon “Superconductivity”. Nobel Price in 1913
19 Critical Temperature, Meissner Ochsenfeld Critical Temperature c Critical Field B c : Type 1 superconductors show the Meissner effect. Field is expelled when sample is cooled down to become superconducting. Low temperature superconductivity is due to a phase transition. Phase transitions happen to keep the relevant thermodynamic energy (Gibbs energy) low. Here pairs of electrons of opposite momenta and spin form a macroscopic (nm) boson, the Cooper Pair. The binding energy determines the critical temperature. where k B = J/K is the Boltzmann's constant and (0) is the energy gap (binding energy of Cooper pairs) of at = 0 Type 1 superconductors are useless for magnets! The thermodynamic energy due to superconductivity G sup increases with the magnetic energy, which is expelled i.e. with B 2 G sup reaches G normal at the maximal field B c, which is small. (~0.2 T)
20 London Penetration depth, Coherence Length Very thin (< ) slabs do not expel the field completely. Hence less energy needed. Thick slabs should subdivide to lower the energy. But we pay in Cooper pair condensation energy to build sc boundaries of thickness energy . We gain due to the not expelled magnetic energy in the penetration depth. There is a net gain if > . MaterialInPbSnNb 24 nm32 nm30 nm32 nm 360 nm510 nm170 nm39 nm
Ginzburg Landau refine the argument:: If the ratio between the distance the magnetic field penetrates ( ) London penetration depth and the characteristic distance Coherence length over which the electronic state can change from superconducting to normal is larger than 1/ 2, the magnetic field can penetrate in the form of discrete fluxoids - Type 2
Ginzburg Landau refine the argument:: If the ratio between the distance the magnetic field penetrates ( ) London penetration depth and the characteristic distance Coherence length over which the electronic state can change from superconducting to normal is larger than 1/ 2, the magnetic field can penetrate in the form of discrete fluxoids - Type 2 The coherence length is proportional to the mean free path of the conduction electrons. 2 is the area of a fluxoid. The flux in a fluxoid is quantised. The upper critical field is reached, when all fluxoid touch. B c2 = 0 /(2 2 ). Hence, good superconductors are always bad conductors (short free path). Type 2 Superconductors are mostly alloys. Transport current creates a gradient in the fluxoid pattern. Fluxoids must be movable to do that. However not too much, otherwise the field decays ….. Here starts the black magic.
23 Current Density Field T Current density kAmm -2 temperature K The current (density) depends on the field and on the temperature and is a property of the sample. (here shown for NbTi)
24 Working Point and Temperature Margin Field T 1 2 Blue plane: constant temperature, green plane: constant field Red arrow: “load line”= constant ratio field/current If the “working point” leaves the tent (is outside the phase transition) => “Quench” Too far on the load line: Magnet Limit Energy deposition increases temperature Temperature margin Deposited Energy: 2 mJ ~10 6 p/m ~1 A4 sheet falling 4 cm Movement Eddy current warming Radiation (all sorts)
Material Constants, Copper Copper Resistivity Copper Thermal Conductivity Low ρ High λ
Material Constants, specific heat Scales differ, Specific heat of He is by far bigger than of Cu Compares with Water 4.2 J/g K Cu He 4
27 Quench Development Heat Capacity <= small Heat Conductivity, radial<= small Heat Conductivity, longitudinal<= good Cooling<= depends The Quench expands (if the current is above the recovery limit) The Temperature at the origin (T hot-spot ) continues to rise Only material constants, can be calculated. Measurement of the max temperature (MIITS)
Material Constants, specific heat Highest at the point and around the boiling point Water
Slide 29 Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions 2002 Magnet Quench – Quench Signal Threshold 10ms validation window PROTECTIONPROTECTION Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions 2002, A. Siemko
30 How to keep the temperature down? Keep the MIITS down by Heatcapacity and Resistivity (too late now) Keep the MIITS down by shortening the current flow Increase the bulk resistivity (Heating, spread the energy) Fast, complicated, energy into He Bypass the energy of the rest of the sector (if applicable) using Diodes or Resistors Using Resistors <= Attention, introduces a time delay L/R and Quench back Extract the energy (External Resistors and Switches) Slow, energy into air/water, needed to protect the diodes High temperature results in: Movement, friction Insulation damage Magnet destruction
31 Voltage High resistance means high I*R and high L*dI/dt High voltage is dangerous for the insulation Local damage => ground short or winding short Global damage => Diodes reverse voltage Voltage taps Overvoltage can be/ can develop to be a global phenomenon. Can cause considerable damage.
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days Voltage breakdown - U + Current I
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days Voltage breakdown
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days U.V. light Electron avalanche N e (x)=N e (0)* e x Ion Bombardment Per electron (e d -1) ions hit the Cathode In total e d /(1- (e d -1)) Breakdown for (1- (e d -1)) = 0, e d >> 1 => e d ~ 1
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days U.V. light Electron avalanche N e (x)=N e (0)* e x Ion Bombardment Per electron (e d -1) ions hit the Cathode In total e d /(1- (e d -1)) Breakdown for (1- (e d -1)) = 0, e d >> 1 => e d ~ 1 is proportional to the density n. It varies with the field E (geometry!) and depends on the gas
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days Combine it to obtain: In uniform gaps E=V/d Paschens law
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days Combine it Paschens law Approx. in LHC-PM-ES-1, in kg/l and m
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days In air at this density V b =6.6kV !!!
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days Values differ, because of different Cathodes and geometries
A Data Compilation
Minimal detectable distance for various scenarios in He 1 bar 2 bar 6 bar 4.2 K gas Liquid He
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days The break down voltage of air is 6 * bigger than that of He. Tests at elevated voltages run into problems at other spots. Magnets that have seen Helium, may not be tested again at “air voltages”. Voltages during operation (quench) may be locally higher than can be applied globally. Interturn shorts are particularly difficult. We have observed problems with the heater strips.
K H Mess, LHC days Evidence of the insulation deficiency
3.6.03K H Mess, LHC days The break down voltage of air is 6 * bigger than that of He. Tests at elevated voltages run into problems at other spots. Magnets that have seen Helium, may not be tested again at “air voltages”. Voltages during operation (quench) may be locally higher than can be applied globally. Interturn shorts are particularly difficult. We have observed problems with the heater strips.
Energy Management Divide et impera! Treat sectors separately! Detect resistive the transistion asap Divide the energy in a magnet over many windings, using heaters (if necessary). Guide the energy of all other 153 (or so) magnets around using a diode or resistor. Protect the diode by a fast extraction of the energy.
Slide 46 Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions 2002 Voltage over one aperture Spike Irreversibl e quench Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions 2002, A. Siemko
Slide 47 Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions 2002 Example of the mechanical activity in dipoles Circa 1 spike per 1ms
Quench - What Went Wrong? Abnormal voltage signals recorded during the provoked quench Courtesy: A. Siemko
How does it look at LHC?
Symbolic Circuit
Inventory Current Leads – 13 kA – 6 kA – 600 A – 120 A in DFB – 120 A in magnet – 60 A in magnet Busbars – Big busbars – Small busbars Difficult, because CL need a working cooling environment to run current. To establish this the load parameters have to varied, which in turn requires various currents through a working magnet circuit. To be discussed. Form part of the circuit, but tested only globally.
Inventory Magnets – 13 kA circuits – 6 kA circuits – 600 A circuits – 120 A circuits – 60 A circuits
Inventory Magnets – 13 kA circuits – 6 kA circuits – 600 A circuits – 120 A circuits – 60 A circuits “Easy”, Freddy takes care. The 60 A circuits and most 120 A circuits ( including the current leads and bus bars) are protected by the overvoltage detection of the powerconverter. Its AB-PO.
Inventory Magnets – 13 kA circuits – 6 kA circuits – 600 A circuits – 120 A circuits – 60 A circuits The 120 A MO and the 600 A circuits have a “global quench protection”, that means the current is measured and the first and second derivative are calculated to predict the inductive voltage. Note that the inductance depends on the current. Difficult
Global Quench Protection DSP 24 bit ADC Δ V L dI/dt Interlock Fieldbus
Inventory Magnets – 13 kA circuits – 6 kA circuits – 600 A circuits – 120 A circuits – 60 A circuits
6 kA quadrupoles ΔUΔU ΔUΔU Long voltage tap, Problems to be expected
Inventory Magnets – 13 kA circuits – 6 kA circuits – 600 A circuits – 120 A circuits – 60 A circuits
13 kA busbar protection Courtesy R. Denz Note that the reference magnets have to represent an average magnet! Problem after a quench!
Local quench detector for main magnets Courtesy R. Denz Note that only one of the two channels is Visible in the CCC. The “hidden” card may have “seen” things, invisible for you
Summary What is special with superconducting circuits? Large inductance, large stored energy, low resistance, long time constants, extremely high current density What are the specifically dangerous issues? Shorts, opening connections, high voltage, high energy density, hydraulic problems Keep on telling the operation crew:
62 We are pulling a tigers tail!.
H. Brechna, Superconducting Magnet Systems, Springer, Berlin 1973 P. Schmueser, Superconducting magnets for particle accelerators, Rep. Prog. Phys. 54 (191) 683 M. N. Wilson, Superconducting Magnets, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983 See also his lectures here and at CAS A.Siemko, Introduction to testing the LHC magnets - Info Sessions KHM et al, Superconducting Accelerator Magnets, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996 References