Animals in Danger Eiman Jummal
What is common between these animals ?
What should we do to prevent that ?
Choose one of these animals and write about how can you help it ?
Questions 1.Where do Koalas live ? 2.What does Koala mean ? 3.Why are Koalas in danger ? 4.What do Koalas eat ? 5.Where do Pandas live ? 6.What do Panda symbolize ? 7.Why are Pandas in danger ? 8.Where do tigers live ? 9.Why are tigers in danger ? 10. What do tigers eat ?
-Meet our Vet – طبيب بيطري 1.What does Frank have ? 2.What is the name of the puppy ? 3.What is Spot’s problem مشكلة ? 4.Who is Joe ? 5.Who is Danny ? 6.What is the Joe’s problem ? 7.Who are Mark and Micki ? 8.What does Sally have ? 9.What is the problem of the two birds ?
Sources The pictures are taken from different websites through Google image search