School Picture Make Ups This Thursday, October 16 7:30am-1:00pm School Library Come by 601 for a information packet. If you missed school pictures earlier this year, please have your picture taken so that it will appear in the yearbook. Please check with your teachers for a convenient time to go have your picture taken or you may have it taken during lunch.
A NOTE FROM THE LIBRARIANS Start the new six weeks with a clear library record. We accept canned food items for fines !
Testing Schedule: Wednesday, Oct. 15 7:25AM – 12:10PMACT ASPIRE TEST 12:25PM – 12:50 PMC Lunch 12:56PM – 2:25PMTIGER DEN SCHEDULE FOR 9 TH GRADE STUDENTS - ACT-ASPIRE 7:25AM – 10:40AMPSAT TEST 11:06AM – 11:31AMA-Lunch 11:37AM – 12:02PMB-Lunch After testing/lunchStudy hall-return to testing room 12:56PM – 2:25PMTIGER DEN SCHEDULE FOR 10 TH AND 11 TH GRADE STUDENTS - PSAT
Testing Schedule: Wednesday, Oct. 15 7:25AM – 9:25AMLATE ARRIVAL 9:30AM – 11:37AMClasses via Bb in Assigned Rooms 11:37AM – 12:02PMB-Lunch After testing/lunchReturn to Assigned Room 12:56PM – 2:25PMTIGER DEN SCHEDULE FOR 12 th GRADE STUDENTS – CLASSES VIA BLACKBOARD NO EARLY RELEASE ON THIS DAY!
Important Information for Wednesday, Oct. 15 Late arrival for Seniors – report to assigned classrooms by 9:25AM Closed campus from 9:30AM – 2:25PM All students report to assigned classrooms instead of regular schedule Report to assigned classroom instead of early release, late arrival, co-op, etc. All students should check their room assignments in BlackBoard. All students will end the day in their Tiger Den classroom. NO EARLY RELEASE ON THIS DAY!
ACT ASPIRE & PSAT Info Wednesday, October 15 No late arrivals – be on campus by 7:25 AM! Find your classroom on BlackBoard! Bring your own calculator. One will not be provided for you. No cell phones, iPods, study guides, magazines…
The PSAT is this week! Why take it seriously? 1.It helps you practice for the SAT. 2.Juniors can win scholarships and recognition. 3.You’ll get access to SAT, college, & career info. 4.You can ask colleges to contact you. Use your PSAT Study Guide to prepare. Check BlackBoard for you class assignment.
Volunteer For Your Community ~ Next Meeting~ When: Tuesday, October 14 After School Where: Mr. Lum’s Room, Room # 198 Downstairs, Freshman Hallway Why: Help the community Get Service Hours Looks Good on a College Resume
KC Student Athletic Trainers are accepting applications for tryout- See a AT for more info!
JOB SHADOW Find out more information on Blackboard. Applications due: Oct. 17 To be held During school on NOV. 20
WHAT IS THE ASVAB TEST? A career exploration and aptitude test WHEN SHOULD I TAKE IT? 10 th, 11th or 12th grade WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MILITARY? The Department of Defense sponsors it and scores are used to determine acceptance and military jobs for new military recruits but that is not it’s only purpose! DO I HAVE TO BE INTERESTED IN THE MILITARY TO TAKE IT? Absolutely not! It is a tool for any student to assist in career planning, whether you are interested in the military or not! WHAT BENEFITS DOES IT HAVE FOR ME? A personalized career planning system and free access to career planning software. ASVAB IS FREE AND DURING THE SCHOOL DAY SIGN UP TO TAKE IT IN THE COUNSELING OFFICE….see Mrs. Grimm
Dear Seniors, time flies by… make this year count with a SENIOR AD!
What’s a Senior Ad…? PRICES- 1/8 Page= $60 1/4 Page= $110 1/2 Page= $200 Full Page= $380 DUE DATE- Pictures and money are due by October 23 NO LATER, NO EXCEPTIONS. …A page that is ALL ABOUT YOU! Including a message and photo congratulating you on your success! BUY ONE NOW!
Memories are FOREVER! #TimelessAsInfinity Mrs. Harper Mr. Berta Mrs. Clarke
SAT/ACT Test Prep Sessions Offered by Klein ISD See Mrs. Ayers in the front office to register. Sign up today! Student Registration Deadline Seminar DateTestLocationTime October 22 nd November 1 st SAT Klein Oak8:30-2:30* February 18 th February 28 th SAT Klein Forest8:30-2:30* April 15 th April 25 th SAT Klein High8:30-2:30* *There will be a 45 minute lunch **BRING PENCILS AND A CALCULATOR**