DOK-1 Reporter DOK-1 Key Details, Facts, Words, Terms, Events acts. These can stand alone as sources of information. They require the skills of recalling, locating, reading, defining and recognizing. These questions or tasks require students to go to the source or recall information and are one –step DOK-1 questions. Students do one thing. The answer is either right or wrong. DOK-3 Evidence, Quotes, Examples, References, Word Choices, Points of View, Bias, Purpose., New Problems, Conclusions, Generalizations, Conjectures. These concepts move students into reasoning. They require the skills of explaining, generalizing, connecting, describing the effects of, solving and interpreting. DOK- 3, three -step questions are asking students to (1) explain “HOW” the two-step questions are connected [how are the key details helping us identify the main idea? How do the illustrations in the text contribute more to the story?] (2) show how they solved the question using words, pictures, graphic organizers and (3) draw and justify a conclusion. DOK-2 Cause and Effect, Results, Relationships, Concepts, Ideas. These are not stand alone concepts. They are broader. They require the skills of specifying, explaining, showing, summarizing, logically inferring, identifying, predicting and showing explicit generalizations using two-steps (1) locating and selecting those stand-alone pieces of information (DOK- 1 facts, terms, words, etc…) to (2) identify and verify the correct answer. The answer is still either right or wrong. DOK-2 Interpreter DOK-3 Judge DOK-2 Example: What is an important fact about spiders? DOK-2 Example: What is the main idea of the story? DOK-3 Example: What character traits did Goldilocks have that contributed to the sequence of events? Pre-Game Sheet - Front This is a professional development game for educators (not students) led by a facilitator. Game Supplies List: Note: do not hand out the DOK DOTS or Question Cards until AFTER the Pre-Game Activity. 1.Each participant will need a copy of the Pre-Game Sheet. 2.Each team (4 pr. Team) will need… …one set of DOK DOTS. …one set of Questions Cards. Game Rules Pre-Game Activity 1. Read DOK level Descriptors 2. Read the Story (Facilitator Models how to “find questions” while reading) and think about possible questions you could ask students at different DOK Levels. 3. Participants discuss question ideas and the different DOK levels. The Game Rules Divide participants into teams of 4 players each. Hand out one set of DOK DOTS and one set of Question Cards per team. Lay the Question Cards with the Question Side Up, in a stack. Spread out the three sets of DOK DOTS. The person with (i.e., the birthday earliest in the year goes first, then so on). The person reads the first Question Card from the stack to the team. The reader MUST NOT allow the back of the card to be seen – read the question card with it lying flat. The team comes to a consensus of the DOK level of the question. After a consensus is reached, the reader checks the answer on the back of the card. If the team was correct – place the Question Card under the DOK DOT set in which it belongs. If the team was incorrect – place the Question Card aside. Continue with all cards. When all cards have been played, review the Question Cards that were set aside, discuss and then place under the correct DOK DOT set in which it belongs. Pre-Game Sheet- Back
1 Set of Question Cards 1 Set of DOK DOTS Pre-Game Sheet Supply List: ALONG CAME A TIGER : Grade 2.1 Have you ever dreamed of being an explorer? In TIGERS AT TWILIGHT by Mary Pope Osborne, you will meet Jack, Annie and Teddy. These three have an adventure with a tiger they will never forget. ANNIE PULLED JACK DOWN behind the black rock. “Wait—what about Teddy?” he cried. “Don’t worry!” Annie said. “He’s okay—he told me!” Jack heard Teddy’s barks turn to fierce growls. ARF! ARF! GRRR! GRRRR! The growls grew louder and louder. “That doesn’t sound like Teddy,” said Jack. Then suddenly, there was silence. A strange silence. “Teddy?” Annie asked. Now she sounded worried. Annie raised her head. She and Jack both peered over the rock. Teddy stood tall and brave in the grass. The tiger was limping away. He disappeared between the trees. All the forest seemed to hold its breath—until Annie broke the silence. “Teddy, you’re a wonder dog!” she said. Arf! Arf! Teddy was just like a small scruffy dog again. He wagged his tail and ran to Annie and Jack. Annie scooped him into her arms. “You saved us!” she said. “How did you drive away that tiger?” asked Jack, rubbing Teddy’s head. “Did you turn into a wild dog?” Teddy just panted and licked them both. Jack pushed his glasses into place and looked back at the forest. “Well, I guess we won’t be getting a thank-you gift from that tiger,” he said. ALONG CAME A TIGER : Grade 2.1 Have you ever dreamed of being an explorer? In TIGERS AT TWILIGHT by Mary Pope Osborne, you will meet Jack, Annie and Teddy. These three have an adventure with a tiger they will never forget. ANNIE PULLED JACK DOWN behind the black rock. “Wait—what about Teddy?” he cried. “Don’t worry!” Annie said. “He’s okay—he told me!” Jack heard Teddy’s barks turn to fierce growls. ARF! ARF! GRRR! GRRRR! The growls grew louder and louder. “That doesn’t sound like Teddy,” said Jack. Then suddenly, there was silence. A strange silence. “Teddy?” Annie asked. Now she sounded worried. Annie raised her head. She and Jack both peered over the rock. Teddy stood tall and brave in the grass. The tiger was limping away. He disappeared between the trees. All the forest seemed to hold its breath—until Annie broke the silence. “Teddy, you’re a wonder dog!” she said. Arf! Arf! Teddy was just like a small scruffy dog again. He wagged his tail and ran to Annie and Jack. Annie scooped him into her arms. “You saved us!” she said. “How did you drive away that tiger?” asked Jack, rubbing Teddy’s head. “Did you turn into a wild dog?” Teddy just panted and licked them both. Jack pushed his glasses into place and looked back at the forest. “Well, I guess we won’t be getting a thank-you gift from that tiger,” he said.
Question: What did Teddy do when the lion limped away? Question: Where were Annie, Jack and Teddy? Q1 Q2 Question: What did Jack mean when he said, “Well, I guess we won’t be getting a thank-you gift from that tiger.” Question: What is the central message of the story? Q3 Q4
Question: What did Teddy do when the lion limped away? Answer: DOK-1 Standard: RL.1 One-Step Question Question: Where were Annie, Jack and Teddy? Answer: DOK-1 Standard RL.1 One-Step Question A1 A2 Question: What is the central message of the story? Answer: DOK-2 Standard: RL.2 Two Step Question Question: What did Jack mean when he said, “Well, I guess we won’t be getting a thank-you gift from that tiger.”? Answer: DOK-3 Standard RL.3 Three-Step Question A3 A4 Locate and Select TO… Identify and Verify (concept#1) Key Details Step 1 Student must (1) identify key details about Teddy (i.e., Teddy growled and the tiger limped away). (concept #2) Central Message Step 2 In order to… (2) determine the central message – Teddy was a brave dog. Show Me – Tell Me (concept #1) Key Details Explanation: Student can find this information explicitly in the text. “All the forest seemed to hold its breath.” Show Me – Tell Me (concept #1) Key Details Explanation: Student can find this information explicitly in the text. “Teddy stood tall and brave in the grass.”. I Locate/Select and Identify/Verify and Identify/VerifyTO STRATEGIZE HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDE STRATEGIZE and show HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDEAND EXPLAIN THINKING then EXPLAIN my THINKING Step 1 Student selects- verifies prior information… the tiger was not happy (he was limping away). Step 2 …in order to strategize and show how to solve conclude(scared tigers won’t eat you) which --- Step 3 ---student can then explain and justify his/her thinking (i.e. you thank someone for a gift. The tiger’s gift would have been a meal. But the tiger was not able to eat Teddy!) DOK-1 Reporter DOK-1 Reporter DOK-2 Interpreter DOK-3 Judge
Question: Why do Jack and Annie react differently to Teddy at the beginning of the story compared to the end of the story. How do you know? Question: Explain what event happened after Jack heard Teddy’s barks turn to fierce growls and why. Q5 Q6 Question: Summarize the story. Question: Read your story summary. Explain how you summarized the story and why you feel it is a good summary. Q7 Q8
Question: Explain what event happened after Jack heard Teddy’s barks turn to fierce growls and why. Answer: DOK-2 Standard RL.2 Two Step Question Question: Why do Jack and Annie react differently to Teddy at the beginning of the story compared to the end of the story. How do you know? Answer: DOK-3 Standard RL.3 Three-Step Question A5 A6 Question: Summarize the story. Answer: DOK-2 Standard RL.2 Two Step Question A7 A8 Locate and Select TO… Identify and Verify (concept #1): Relevant information Step 1 Student must (1) identify relevant information… (i.e.,)the tiger limped away (concept #2) Identify an Explicit Inference Step 2 In order to… (2) explain an explicit inference (I.e., Teddy scared the tiger away). I Locate/Select and Identify/Verify and Identify/VerifyTO STRATEGIZE HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDE STRATEGIZE and show HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDEAND EXPLAIN THINKING then EXPLAIN my THINKING Step 1 Student selects- verifies prior information… Jack and Annie were worried about Teddy at the beginning. In the end they were proud of Teddy. Step 2 …in order to strategize and show how to solve conclude (their feelings changed because at first they were afraid he’d been eaten by the tiger and when they realized he scared the tiger away they were proud of him) which --- Step 3 ---student can then explain and justify his/her thinking (I know this is true because Annie scooped him up into her arms). Locate and Select TO … Identify and Verify (concept #1):Key Details Step 1 Student must (1) identify Key Details … (i.e., the children were hiding, they heard Teddy growl, Teddy stood up and the tiger limped away, they were all happy). (concept #2) Summarizing Step 2 In order to… (2) summarize the story. (I.e., The children saw and hid from a tiger but their dog Teddy scared him away). Question: Read your story summary. Explain how you summarized the story and why you feel it is a good summary. Answer: DOK-3 Standard RL.3 Three-Step Question I Locate/Select and Identify/Verify and Identify/VerifyTO STRATEGIZE HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDE STRATEGIZE and show HOW to SOLVE -CONCLUDEAND EXPLAIN THINKING then EXPLAIN my THINKING Step 1 Student selects- verifies prior information… (i.e., the children were hiding, they heard Teddy growl, Teddy stood up and the tiger limped away, they were all happy,,,). Step 2 …in order to strategize and show how to solve conclude (I selected information that told events in the story that the reader had to know to understand what happened) which --- Step 3 ---student can then explain and justify his/her thinking ( My summary is a good one because it includes the central message). DOK-2 Interpreter DOK-2 Interpreter DOK-3 Judge DOK-3 Judge
SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Recall and Reproduce
I can LOCATE and SELECT Information or details… DOK-2 Skills and Concepts In order to… IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept. DOK-2 Skills and Concepts I can LOCATE and SELECT Information or details… DOK-2 Skills and Concepts In order to… IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept. DOK-2 Skills and Concepts I can LOCATE and SELECT Information or details… DOK-2 Skills and Concepts In order to… IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept. DOK-2 Skills and Concepts
I can LOCATE and SELECT information and details information and details to IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept…...which I use to show my REASONING so I can show HOW I SOLVED and CONCLUDED the question and then I EXPLAINmyTHINKING DOK-3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning DOK-3 DOK-3 I can LOCATE and SELECT information and details information and details to IDENTIFY and VERIFY a new concept…...which I use to show my REASONING so I can show HOW I SOLVED and CONCLUDED the question and then I EXPLAINmyTHINKING DOK-3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning DOK-3 DOK-3