April 2005 pebb.benefits Project Overview
Page 1 Approx. 129 PEBB agencies Over 110,000 members 17 databases for benefit administration Paper process: Members, Agencies, Carriers, and PEBB Manual Data Entry: Member, Agencies and Carriers Increased chance for human error No user friendly technology for administration of benefits No voice or electronic system Open Enrollment Increased workload for agencies and PEBB Mandatory Non Mandatory PEBB—look for a solution to improve customer service, consistency, processes and increase the current system efficiencies pebb.benefitsBenefit Administration Facts Prior to PDB
Page 2 Web based HIPAA compliant integrated benefit management system 1 Central database for benefit administration data—single source of information A technology solution—real time information-secure access Paper process still available Minimize human error Audit trails PEBB members will be able to access a secure site to: Enroll, update, and view their benefit choices and options May alleviate the need to have a large packet of information—paper/cost savings More complete and accurate customer service model Agencies and PEBB can share employee specific information. Provide increased efficiencies in the management of member accounts by protecting the integrity of the data for PEBB and all agencies through: Reduce paper process Real time benefit information Accurate enrollment information Improved reporting functionality Electronic enrollment data transfers between the state and insurance carriers pebb.benefitsThe Solution!
Page 3 The project has been divided into the following phases: 1.Agency Benefit Module: Allows agency staff and PEBB to enter and update benefit eligibility information directly into the pebb.benefits application online via a secure Web browser. 2.Member Benefit Module: Enables the PEBB members to manage their benefits online via a secure Web browser. Open enrollment, new employee benefit enrollment, and qualified status changes are a few of the features currently planned for this module. pebb.benefitsThe Structure
Page 4 PEBB Analysts BenefitHelp Solutions 100+ DAS Payroll / HR Agencies 7 OUS University Campuses pebb.benefits Prior to PDB 8 Carriers – 8 Different Databases
Page 5 Member Agencies and PEBB pebb.benefits PDB 8 Carriers – 8 Different Databases Oregon University System Oregon State Payroll System BenefitHelp Solutions PDB
Page 6 Help provide better customer service for PEBB members. Allow better communication between the PEBB benefit analysts and agency staff through the use of common pebb.benefits interfaces. Home Page: Messages, event notices, popular destinations. Allow agency staff to continually access up-to-date PEBB business rules built into pebb.benefits to assure accurate and consistent information is provided to all parties. Reduce agency workload (staff and temps) associated with annual open enrollment process and the continued enrollment processes throughout the year. Provide agency and PEBB staff with reporting functionality to increase efficiencies in the management of member accounts. pebb.benefits System Benefits
Page 7 Go Live – January 2005 Agency and PEBB Module Carrier Transmission January to June 2005 Developing Member Module July 2005 Member Module Testing Agency and PEBB Staff training August 2005 Go Live with Member module pebb.benefitsTimeline
Page 8 On going training to agency staff Review of Enhancements pebb.benefitsOn going tasks
Page 9 THANK YOU ! Questions / Comments? pebb.benefitsWrap-up