RAPTURE l This concept teaches that l Christ will return to raise all dead Christians l Change all living Christians l Take them to heaven for seven years.
RAPTURE l I Thes. 4:13-17 l Those Christians still living do not have an advantage over the dead Christians l The dead in Christ will be raised before the living are changed.
RAPTURE l This passage does not teach l Dead Christians are raised before others are raised l Dead Christians are raised before the end of time
RAPTURE l Dead and living Christians will go to heaven and after seven years come back to earth.
RAPTURE l John 5:28-29 l At the same hour, both righteous and wicked are raised l John 6:39, 40, 44, 54—the righteous are raised on the last day.
RAPTURE l John 12:48 l the wicked are judged on the last day l So the righteous are raised on the same day the wicked are judged—not 1007 years apart.
ANTI-CHRISTS l 1 John 2:18-22; 4:1-4 and 2 John 7. l How many? l Many l When? l Start in 1 st century
ANTI-CHRISTS l One who is against Christ, who denies His divinity l Anti means against. l No reference to a military or political leader
REBUILD THE TEMPLE l Ezekiel 36 l The hills of Israel are l In ruins l After Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction l Does not fit Israel today.
REBUILD THE TEMPLE l God will fulfill His prophecy through Ezekiel l Soon l He will put people back on their land and let them rebuild
REBUILD THE TEMPLE l In chapter 40, Ezekiel begins to discuss l The rebuilding of the temple l The Jews would have understood this as applying to their time and situation.
REBUILD THE TEMPLE l Did the Jews return and rebuild their land and temple? l Yes. l Temple rebuilt by about 516 BC.
REBUILD THE TEMPLE l Ezekiel’s description of the temple is l Figurative l To give the Israelites encouragement. l Do not need to restart the Jewish animal sacrifices.