Q Project 2004 A collaboration between William Shakespeare College and Greenwich Community College to develop a website for trainee Teaching Assistants on a NVQ course LSDA has obtained permission for the material to be used within the following Wanadoo copyright regulations:
Aim of the project To develop a web-site to be used by trainee Teaching Assistants who are carrying out a workplace NVQ and have little opportunity to come into the college. The web-site is based on the Smartgroups design and offers a good range of information, including: course dates for the academic year local maps where the placement schools are located in the borough assessor contact details with photographs the entire knowledge-based questions advice on career progression route a job-opportunity notice-board a link to the City & Guilds Smartscreen site
Smartgroups What is smartgroups? A free internet service designed for clubs, societies, associations or any group of friends or colleagues who would like to communicate and share information.
Smartgroups Main Page
Login Page
The Way Forward These resources will be transferred onto a VLE, which the college has recently acquired