Miracles? (Jn. 20:30-31)
Fulfilled Prophecy… Deity? (Jn. 8:58, 24)
Fulfilled Scripture… God’s Son – Resurrection (Psalm 2:7, Rom. 1:3-4)
Fulfilled Scripture… God’s Son – Resurrection (Psalm 2:7, Rom. 1:3-4) Our High Priest (Psalm 110:4, Heb. 5:5-6, 7:21-28)
Fulfilled Scripture… God’s Son – Resurrection (Psalm 2:7, Rom. 1:3-4) Our High Priest (Psalm 110:4, Heb. 5:5-6, 7:21-28) God’s Righteous Servant – Justifying many through His death and Resurrection (Isa. 53:5, I Pet. 2:24; Isa. 53:7-8, Acts 8:32- 35, Isa. 53:10-11, Acts 13:33, 38-39)
Son Glorified in Hour of Darkness Judas goes out in the night to betray Jesus …(Jn.13:30-31, Lk. 22:53, Mk. 15:33-37)
Son Glorified in Hour of Darkness Judas goes out in the night to betray Jesus …(Jn.13:30-31, Lk. 22:53, Mk. 15:33-37) Prince of this world cast out (Jn. 12:27-33, 16:11)
Son Glorified in Hour of Darkness Judas goes out in the night to betray Jesus …(Jn.13:30-31, Lk. 22:53, Mk. 15:33-37) Prince of this world cast out (Jn. 12:27-33, 16:11) Bring to nought the Devil’s power over death (Heb. 2:14-15, I Cor. 15:56)
Son of God Goes to Prepare Place Prepared through His death and resurrection (Jn. 14:1, Matt. 25:34, Heb. 9:11-12, Jn. 14:6)