Applied Business GCSE, Working Arrangements and Rights, CEI Working Arrangements Contracts of Employment
Applied Business GCSE, Working Arrangements and Rights, CEI Introduction There are laws relating to many aspects of our lives. Going to work creates a legal relationship between EMPLOYEES and EMPLOYERS The following slides will tell you the main ideas contained in a CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT
Applied Business GCSE, Working Arrangements and Rights, CEI The contract MUST include A statement of particulars – the law requires certain details of the contract to be written down. Within the first TWO months of starting work your employer must give you a statement of particulars.
Applied Business GCSE, Working Arrangements and Rights, CEI These details must be included in the contract of employment ……… Names of employer and employee Employee's job title The start date of the employment Where the employee will work Details of salary and other benefits The employee's hours of work Entitlement to sick pay Holiday details Pension arrangements, if any Any notice provisions Any grievance procedures