Be ready to talk about the following: 1. What does shopping mean for you? 2. What are differnt types of shops you know? 3. What are advantages and disadvantages of doing shopping in huge stores? 4. What is your view of advertisements? 5. What are Czech shopping habits?
Big shopping centres
Big stores operate on on the „serve- yourself“ system. You go in with a trolley. You walk around and choose what you want. There is a cash-desk or a cashier where you pay.
Specialized shops: They specialize in some extra goods.
Launderette To wash your own clothes…
Laundry To have your clothes washed…
Other specialized shops Florist´s A Bookshop Dry – cleaner´s The fishmonger´s Greengrocer´s Grocer´s Ironmonger´s Newsagent´s Tobacconist´s Stationer´s
How can you pay at a cashier? Credit cards - widely accepted Payments by cheques (not in the Czech Rep.) Pay cash – banknotes, coins Buy things on hire purchase (H.P.) – we pay in monthly instalments We get a receipt
There are many: Retailers (retailer price) Wholesales (wholesale value)
Shopping habits We go shopping every day to a local shop to buy necessary food Once a week we usually do one bigger purchase Shopping rush before Christmas
Shopping possibilities in our town: Till 1989 there were very poor shopping possibilities Since 1990 many new shops have been opened Customers are more satisfied today Many supermarkets, department stores,… Point out the main pros and cons!
Advertisements and your view on them.
Accessories Fashion accessories are items apart from the garment itself, which complement the whole outfit. Fashion accessories include jewelery, gloves, handbags, hats, or scarves.jewelerygloveshandbagshatsscarves