EU FLEGT VPAs & TTAP Emily Fripp EU TTAP Manager Chatham House 9 – 10 July 2007
EU Timber Trade Action Plan (TTAP) Trade initiative, single message, combined market leverage UK, Dutch, Belgian, French, Spanish, IFIA, MTC partners and increasing Managed by TFT EC co-funds €7 million, TTFs €2 million Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Congo B, Gabon, Guyana, Indonesia and Malaysia 72% subsidy from EU for suppliers to get verified legal wood products (TTF members)
TTAP outputs to date TTAP website, country information & tools Risk Assessment Tool TTAP Chain of Custody requirements Country guides to legality verification EU TTFs responsible purchasing policies harmonisation UCBD meeting June 07, Sept 07 Rapid response in Africa, demand for FSC 8 companies in Africa, interest from 5 others (target 15) 12 companies in Asia (target 20) China work building on DEFRA study, LA start in August 07
VPAs, legality & TTAP Supporting legislative framework to suppliers VPA positive driver for change in conjunction with changing EU market requirements Effective implementation VPAs help implementation of national laws and regulations Products covered by VPAs Vary by country to country – confusion for buyers If product not covered, how meet eg, UK govt PPP? Linkages with market legality verification standards – OLB, TLVT, VLO TTAP legality verification in Cameroon collates all Market credibility Timeframe, short term market requirements
TTAP and market drivers Assumption of TTAP “European TTF members have sufficient market leverage to engage their suppliers in legality compliance”. Single clear market message from EU –Can be progressively tougher but needs to be consistent –Harmonised public and private sector procurement policies Transition companies –Recognition of those companies working towards legality and sustainability Legality licence and/or certification –Costs, administrative resources, time involved in being certified twice? –Market incentives – price premium, market access Clarity for traders/buyers to know what they require for end users
Issues, questions for debate Need for clarity Consistent single message to buyers and suppliers Don’t shift the goal posts Product coverage VPA licence meet EU market requirements – eg UK PPP? Time required, how meet market requirements in the short term by April 2009?
For further information contact: Timber Trade Action Plan (TTAP) Emily Fripp – TTAP Manager tel: +44 (0) This presentation has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this presentation are the sole responsibility of the Tropical Forest Trust and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.