Ethnic cohesion component
Agriculture Data collection Sample size is 100. Sampling method - Stratified random sampling Present situation of data collection – Already collected the data from 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd year batches. As the most of our final year students have gone out of the faculty for research work, data collection from this batch is not completed yet. Data tabulation and processing - when we complete the data collection. Data tabulation is going on and it will be completed within this week Identification of gaps, problems, issues at the faculty level Not yet started. This will be finalized after the Vesak vacations Dr. Anton Perera Date:
Agriculture Data tabulation and processing Out of the 100 questionnaire, 75 have been completed and tabulated. Another 25 questionnaires are pending and it will be received by 11th June. The data processing and summarization will be over by this week end. Tables / Histograms / Bar charts/ Pie charts will be used to summarize data. Identification of gaps, problems, issues at the faculty level – Not yet completed. This will be completed before 18th June Dr. Anton Perera Date:
Engineering Dear Sir Present status related to the activity of ethnic cohesion at the Engineering Faculty. We had a committee meeting on 18th May to discuss about the way of collecting the questionnaire. As we have decided in last week progress plan, questionnaires (250 numbers) were filled and collected from students on 19th May. We are planning to start the processing of questionnaires next week. Regards Pirapaharan Date:
FMST Dear Sir, We have already completed the data collection, as I informed you earlier. I asked every students of the our faculty to come to the lecture theater and gave the questionnaire. So, we could survey the almost every students including every ethnic group. I counted there were 100 completed questionnaires. I am in the data tabulation and processing phase now. Hopefully, I will be able to complete that part within next week, as there are holiday in this week. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, ASHOKA DEEPANANDA Date:
FMST Dear Sir, We have already analyzed the surveyed data and need one or two more days to present data in tabular or graphic format. Thanking you, Sincerely, Ashoka Deepananda Date:
M&F Dear sir, We had a Faculty committee meeting 18th may 2010 We have already started data collection process sample size is 220 sampling methods are, random and focus group We have finished 90% data collection task 25th may 2010 we are going to have committee meeting to discuss data entering process. Thanking You, R.M.Rathnayake, Committee Chairman Date:
M&F Dear sir, We have completed data collection and entering process. started data analysis part. Yet to be identified problems and issues. Thanking you R.M Ratnayaka -chairman Date:
Medicine Date:
Medicine Extracted from Dr. Sampath Gunawardana’s report Data collection completed. Information from students Sample size192 (Only Sinhala students) ○ Stratified sampling (30-40 /Batch) President of the student union 15 out of total of 25 Muslim students ○ Focus group discussions 1 Tamil student ○ By an interview Date:
Medicine Cont. Information from the staff A questionnaire was sent to all the academic staff members (close to 100). ○ Only 35 have responded. In addition, information has been collected from the ○ Dean (and a former deputy proctor), ○ current deputy proctor, ○ Student counselors, ○ Wardens, ○ Sub-wardens, ○ Security inspector. Date:
Medicine Cont. Summary of findings Majority of medical students and staff wish to learn about practices and culture of other ethnicities/religions and Tamil language. Gap - Lack of Tamil knowledge and lack of opportunity to study Strength - existence of a functional language laboratory Conducting a course on practices of other ethnic groups and religions will be welcomed by students and staff Proposed to invite medical students from Jaffna and Eastern University to existing rural health programme. Muslim female students feel that the staff should be able to tolerate their religion-specific clothes. Date:
H&SS Dear Sir, Progress the Activity of Ethnic Cohesion- HSS 1. Data collection has finished as it has been we planed. 2. Now we are in the position of data tabulating by using SPSS. 3. After making profiles and getting the relevant tables we can analyze them in first week of June. Thanking you Chandradasa. Date:
H&SS Extract from Dr. Chandrasena’s report Tamil Language- Writing Skills Date: Level of SkillCountBefore University Within UniversityTotal Excellent Count 134 % within Group.7%2.2%1.4% Intermediate Count % within Group 2.9%9.4%6.1% Moderately Count % within Group 20.9%22.3%21.5% Impossible Count % within Group 75.5%65.5%70.3% TotalCount % within Group 100.0%
H&SS Extract from Dr. Chandrasena’s report Friends with Other Ethnic Groups Date: Before University Within University Total Tamil Count303 % within Group2.2%.0%1.1% Muslim Count % within Group33.1%19.4%26.2% Burger Count314 % within Group2.2%.7%1.4% Other Count404 % within Group2.9%.0%1.4% N0 Count % within Group59.7%79.9%69.5% Total Count % within Group100.0%
Science Date:
Science Dear Sir, Herewith I am sending the information required by you. 1. Our sample size was We have tabulated the data as pie charts. 3. At the moment we have identified the gaps & preparing the SER. Vineetha Wickramasinghe Date:
Thank you