Vision of an Educated Workforce Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Paul Benson Sam Pellerito
STEM Committee Chautauqua Region Community Foundation Catholic Academy of the Holy Family Jamestown Community College Jamestown Public Schools SUNY Fredonia Workforce Investment Board
Initial Interests Build and retain STEM related jobs How can we interest students in STEM subjects Seek proven initiatives that draw students into STEM professions Seek partnerships with area institutions and industries “ Grow your Own ”: retaining the area’s talented young people to fill STEM jobs in local industries and institutions
Region Assets High quality of life in Western New York Lower cost of living here Quality housing stock Quality schools and Neighborhoods Great place to raise a family Multiple industries, agriculture, business Tourism, cultural and natural assets Powerful revitalization underway
STEM National Picture Ranked 28 th in the world for Math Ranked 27 th in the World for Science National Assessment of Educational Progress: less than 1/3 rd of U.S. 8 th graders show proficiency in mathematics and science The U.S. STEM Professional Development Community is world’s largest
STEM National Picture Research Progress on STEM learning is growing Political Progress: educational reform and funding is improving By 2014, there are estimated to be 2 million jobs created in STEM-related fields STEM jobs pay 26% more than other occupations
New York State Proficiency slips with age National Center for Educational Statistics Ranks NYS on par in science and reading with National Averages Regional statistics reflect state averages % Below Basic% at Basic% Proficient% Advanced Grade 4 Mathematics 17%43%35%5% Grade 8 Mathematics 27%39%26%8%
STEM Committee Projects Grants and Program research Wiki: Holy Family Science Across the Curriculum with After School Program Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Dinner Series STEM Summer Camp
Holy Family Integrating science across the curriculum Connection for students between science, ELA, health, math and religion Exercise and nutrition GEMS science component kids preK-8 Roger Tory Peterson: Scientific tools in natural sciences Jamestown Community College Science Center
Holy Family & JCC Energy and RecyclingJunk It Up (Recycled Art) Weather PhenomenonHead in the Clouds Changing ClimateChanging Animals Egg Drop CompetitionJust Plane Fun Challenger CenterLift, Launch, Gravity - GO!
Library of Congress “Science Literacy and Society” Local to national connections Address major concepts in science Natural Sciences Climate Change Marcellus Shale Disease and Immunization Inventions on the Horizon New fuel technologies
Teaching with Primary Sources TitlePresenterAffiliationScience Gas Production and Marcellus Shale Dr. Gary LashSUNY FredoniaEarth Science Biology of Disease: Civil War to Modern Advances Shannon Bessette Jamestown Community College Biology Current Misconceptions in the Natural Sciences Mr. Mark Baldwin Roger Tory Peterson Institute Earth Science, Biology Power Production: Niagara Falls and Power Production in the Future Dr. Mike JabotSUNY FredoniaPhysics Earth Science Patents: Innovation and Science by Surprise Dr. Mike JabotSUNY FredoniaPhysics, Chemistry Climate Change Local and Global Kim Weborg- Benson SUNY FredoniaEarth Science, Climatology New Fuel Technologies: Cummins Engines and Bio- Diesel TBDCummins Engine Chemistry, Physics Local Munitions DevelopmentMichelle HenryChautauqua County Historian Engineering, Physics
“STEM”: Summer Camp Week long Day Camp at JCC Intensive program engaging Middle School students Focusing on upcoming trends in science math and technology Education focused on STEM careers and workforce development
Summary Area plan to develop STEM interest among young people Utilize strengths of local institutions and industries Professional development for teachers Summer program for students Seek new funding streams Tweak and Repeat
References Commerce Department: commerce-department-report-shows-fast-growing-stem-jobs-offer-highttp:// commerce-department-report-shows-fast-growing-stem-jobs-offer-hig White House: report.pdf White House: report.pdf Catholic Academy of the Holy Family Jamestown Renaissance Corporation: NSF: NYS STEM Collaborative: NYS STEM Ed Report Card: NYS Comprehensive Education Report: National Center for Education Statistics: Info Please: Program.html Program.html