Expanding Parking on TTU Campus Genesis P-Orridge Nivek Ogre Sascha Konietzko
Parking Problems Do you have to walk across campus to get to one class and then all the way back to your car? Do you have to walk across campus to get to one class and then all the way back to your car? Are you late because the buses are late? Are you late because the buses are late? Are you paying a lot of money for not so great parking? Are you paying a lot of money for not so great parking? Do you arrive an hour before class just to park and get to class on the bus? Do you arrive an hour before class just to park and get to class on the bus? Do you wait for a bus that does show, but breaks down on the way? Do you wait for a bus that does show, but breaks down on the way?
Parking Problems Continued Do you have 1-2 or more consecutive classes, and exceed the 1-2 hr parking limit for the city? Do you have 1-2 or more consecutive classes, and exceed the 1-2 hr parking limit for the city? Have you gotten a city parking ticket because you couldn’t find any other parking longer than 2hrs? Have you gotten a city parking ticket because you couldn’t find any other parking longer than 2hrs?
Solutions to Parking Problems If you answered yes to any of these, TTU parking services could help solve this. If you answered yes to any of these, TTU parking services could help solve this. By adding more paid parking meters allowing parking with pay passes in and around buildings in the TTU campus can provide revenue for TTU and a simple fix to students. By adding more paid parking meters allowing parking with pay passes in and around buildings in the TTU campus can provide revenue for TTU and a simple fix to students. Installing 2 more parking meters on the other side of the parking garage and allowing 3 rd and 4 th floor to both utilize prepaid parking stubs can also decongest the parking garage traffic on the 4 th floor in the morning. Installing 2 more parking meters on the other side of the parking garage and allowing 3 rd and 4 th floor to both utilize prepaid parking stubs can also decongest the parking garage traffic on the 4 th floor in the morning.
Solution for the City Allowing 2-4 hr parking Allowing 2-4 hr parking Adding parking meters for those who cannot move their car in 2 hrs Adding parking meters for those who cannot move their car in 2 hrs Allowing students to purchase a pass allowing them to park longer in certain spots Allowing students to purchase a pass allowing them to park longer in certain spots
History History of Parking Permit Fees: Students History of Parking Permit Fees: Students
Parking Costs Park and Pay: $1.25/hr Park and Pay: $1.25/hr Garage: $ Garage: $369.00$41/month(Sept-May) Commuter North/West: $ Commuter North/West: $102.50
Ticket Costs $7-10 City of Lubbock over limit ticket $7-10 City of Lubbock over limit ticket $20-25 TTU Parking ticket $20-25 TTU Parking ticket
Who to Contact Eric Crouch-Director of Parking TTU Eric Crouch-Director of Parking TTU Cherie King- Executive Administrative Assistant for Operations TTU Cherie King- Executive Administrative Assistant for Operations TTU David Miller- Mayor of Lubbock David Miller- Mayor of Lubbock