Web 2.0 = Schools 1.1 : Transforming the Traditional School Environment Ryan Schaaf Howard County Public Schools Technology Teacher
What is Web 2.0? “Web 2.0 is a trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to facilitate creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users.” Tim O’Reilly Published on O'Reilly Creativity Information Sharing Collaboration
Web 2.0 Statistics U.S. Web Traffic - 9 out of the top 10 sites are considered Web 2.0 applications. As of 2006, 70 million households in the US have internet access ( 64% ) In 2006, world-wide internet users exceeded 1 billion. Alexa Can you guess half of the websites that are on the top 20 list of US internet traffic?
11. AOL 12. Blogger.com 13. Megaupload 14. Amazon.com 15. Megaupload 16. Go 17. Photobucket 18. The Internet Movie Database 19. CNN - Cable News Network 20. ESPN Sportszone 20 Most Visited Websites in the U.S. (April 2008) 1.Google 2.Yahoo! 3.Myspace 4.YouTube 5.Facebook 6.Windows Live 7.EBay 8.Wikipedia 9.Craigslist.org 10.Microsoft Network (MSN)
Digital Age vs. Traditional School Setting
Classroom : 1904
Classroom : 2008
Generation D(Digital) Speedy Parallel Thinking (Multi-Tasking) Random Access Graphics vs. Text Connected Active Learners Immediate Feedback Fantasy Oriented Tech Literate Marc Prensky
Transformation Schools must transform. The walls of the school no longer provide an obstacle. The World-Wide Web allows for limitless possibilities for instruction.
School Transformation Rethinking the curriculum We must view learning as a continuum of instruction rather than a series of discrete events. We must end the assembly line, departmentalized model of teaching and learning and place far more emphasis on a unified, integrated continuum of instruction rather than a series of independent, unrelated courses. We must go beyond theory and focus on practical applications that are relevant to workplace rather than mutually exclusive and theoretical subjects that prepare students for yesterday and today, not tomorrow.
School Transformation Where do we begin? Start by standing back. It is time to step back from our traditional thinking about learning and rethink schools, classrooms, curriculum, evaluation, the roles of teachers & learners and particularly, what it means and what it will mean to learn in the light of the modern changing world. Ian Jukes
Web 2.0 Teacher Tools
Create a Graph On-line Free Step by step instructions Generate a.jpeg or.pdf file. promotes cross- curricular instruction
Web 2.0 Teacher Tools Free (guest account) Privacy setting Encourages writing, visual learning, oral comprehension, and virtual role-playing Step-by step instructions
Web 2.0 Teacher Tools Use images to create a 30 second slideshow/ music video. requires sign-up free 30 second clips easy, step-by-step instructions sent via
Web 2.0 Teacher Tools on-line bookmarking free provides descriptions, hyperlinks, and titles
Web 2.0 Teacher Tools Google Earth free cross-platform customizable virtual field trips map skills
Kerpoof safe, non-evasive sign up multimedia visual arts teacher section for lesson plans, ideas, etc.
Blogs & Wikis free service for schools collaboration promotes writing synchronous and asynchronous access safe and secure watch for hidden traps (overwriting and update errors)
Closure Remember 3 things from the presentation What were 2 new ideas you learned from the presentation? Think of one question you still have about the presentation
Bibliography 1)School 2.0 Image retrieved from P20/ P20/ 2)Tim O’Reilly 3)Internet & Web 2.0 Statistics
Bibliography Jukes, I (2006). Education at the Crossroads: The Restructuring of Education, the Future of Employment and the Challenge to Education, The InfoSavvy Group. pg. 7.