Department of Public WorksDepartment of Public Works Performance Measures 2010
Roads and SidewalksRoads and Sidewalks
Bridges, Dams and CulvertsBridges, Dams and Culverts
Storm Drains and Catch BasinsStorm Drains and Catch Basins
Sanitary SewersSanitary Sewers
Traffic Signs, Signals and MarkingsTraffic Signs, Signals and Markings
Municipal Parking LotsMunicipal Parking Lots
Buildings and GroundsBuildings and Grounds
Solid Waste and RecyclingSolid Waste and Recycling
Snow and Ice ControlSnow and Ice Control
DPW Responsibilities cont’dDPW Responsibilities cont’d Parking Enforcement Equipment Maintenance Construction
Assistant Director Supervisor of Highways Senior Equip Operator Mason/Equip Operator Laborer Driver II Parking Crew Leader Parking Ranger Scaleman Recycling Attendant Supervisor of Facilities & Equipment Head Custodian Custodians Sewer System Foreman Sewer System Mechanic Sewer System Operator Mechanic II Maintainer (P.T) Engineering Aid Administrative SecretarySewer Services Clerk
Historical Service RequestsHistorical Service Requests
Work Requests By Type FY 09
Cleaning Catch Basins Street SweepingCleaning Catch Basins Street Sweeping Total number of CB’s Total Curb Miles – 162 Objectives: Objective: Inspect and clean all CB’s as needed.yearly. Sweep all streets by May 15 Inspect and clean all CB’s as needed.yearly. Sweep all streets by May 15 Inspect and clean CB’s in flood-prone Inspect and clean CB’s in flood-prone areas before each major rainfall Note: FY 09 is thru 12/31/08
Street ResurfacingStreet Resurfacing FY miles at $111,000 per mile FY miles at $130,000 per mile FY miles in at a cost of $135,000 per mile FY miles in at a cost of $194,000 per mile FY miles in at a cost of $188,000 per mile
Total Miles ResurfacedTotal Miles Resurfaced
Historical Asphalt PricesHistorical Asphalt Prices
Value of Construction Projects thousands of dollars Value of Construction Projects thousands of dollars
Sanitary Sewer CustomersSanitary Sewer Customers
Sewer Operating Results Note: FY 10 projected
Paid to Stamford/Operating Revenue Note: FY 10 estimated
Parking Tickets IssuedParking Tickets Issued
Parking Ticket RevenueParking Ticket Revenue
Solid Waste and RecyclingSolid Waste and Recycling
Darien MSWDarien MSW
HHW Day ParticipantsHHW Day Participants
Cost of Household Hazardous Waste DisposalCost of Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
tIhe rest of your Saturday I’m done. Try to enjoy the rest of the day.
Department of Public WorksDepartment of Public Works Performance Measures 2010