Touring the Web Figuring out the best roads to take in web page design
Web Tours and Quizzes Touring the web you come across interesting places when building a webpage Some places you’ll want to avoid Some you’ll want to stay and visit Others you’ll learn new directions
Roads to Avoid PC World - The 25 Worst Web Sites PC World - The 25 Worst Web Sites Web Pages That Suck learn good web design by looking at bad web design Home Page Web Pages That Suck learn good web design by looking at bad web design Home Page You can find eveything NOT to do on these pages
Places to Visit A good example of a good web site design? A good example of a good web site design?
Learning New Directions Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Chapter3 1. A Every web page is basically the same thing: a page of text with formatting specifications in HTML code 2. C You need to make and name new folders in which to store web pages 3. C This is the most appropriate way to list an link Please us at 4. C You can make headline text larger by Selecting text and apply “heading 1” or Select text and apply BOLD 5. B Best way to create columns on a web page is to create tables or layers 6. D Paragraph and a Break differ because a paragraph has a space following it and a break has no space 7. D I will never type in CAPS, create one scrolling page, use a busy background 8. C You can tell where a link is going by positioning the pointer over the link and reading the status bar Chapter 4 1.C honey bunny.gif is not a legal file name because it has a space 2.ABCD 3.D Naming and saving your web page means it has to be saved with an HTML name 4.D Title page appears in the browser, visitor’s bookmark, used by search engines 5.D 6.D 7.A Establish a host provider before making your 1 st page because they will tell you how to name the first page 8.D
Learning new directions II Quiz 2 Chapter 5 1. Print 2. Web 3. Web 4. Web 5. Web 6. Print Chapter 7 A. 1. Buttons are too large & take up space 2. No ALT labels 3. Too much scrolling 4. Boring backgrounds 5. Confused about where I’ll end up B. 1. Neat and compact 2. Everything is handy and clear 3. Nice matching of graphic and text 4. Easy to know what’s coming
Learning new directions III Quiz 3 Chapter 9 1.CMYK 2.RGB 3.RGB Bit depth No 9.65, Smaller 11.Fewer pixels 12.Values must match 13.Values must match 14.Values must match Chapter 10 1.JPEG color choices 2.GIF flat color 3.GIF graphic illust. 4.GIF graphic illustr. 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.Know what is coming as page loads 9.2
Learning new directions IV Quiz 4 Chapter 12 1.Never 2.Never 3.Never 4.Never 5.Sometimes 6.Sometimes 7.Sometimes 8.Never 9.Never 10.Never 11.Never