WALiD Wind Blade Using Cost-Effective Advanced Composite Lightweight Design Project Duration: 1 st February 2013 – 31 st January 2017 Grant Agreement No:
Goals The goals of the WALiD project are to: Improve design of blade root, connection concept and tip. Replace the shell core with thermoplastic foam materials. Improve the modular concept of shear web design. Develop fibre-reinforced thermoplastic coating.
To combine design, material and process developments using thermoplastic materials to create cost-efficient, lightweight and recyclable blades which will be demonstrated by industrial end- users. The key innovation is the introduction of thermoplastic composite materials and processing into wind blade applications. These materials can replace thermoset-based materials in the root, tip and shear web. Objectives
* Germany, UK, Netherlands, Cyprus, Norway, Denmark and France Project Coordinator: Mr Florian Rapp Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V Number of partners11 Number of EU Member States7* Duration4 years Budget€3.96 million General Information
Weight reduction in the blade. Economical savings. Increase durability of blades. Excellent recyclability after blade life time (20 years). Expected Benefits
Become a member of our Industrial Exploitation Board and benefit from the following: Opportunity to interact with partners across Europe. Receive invitations to annual meetings and learn more about the research and development achievements within the project. Express both yours and the target industry’s needs to help focus the demonstration and exploitation activities within the project. Receive funding for travel and subsistence. Register on the project website: Register at to keep up to date with project news and receive information on upcoming events. How to get involved
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement EC Funding