All About Colors By: Katelyn Allen
The students will learn… How to identify colors and name of colors How to mix colors to make other colors Use colors to create their own art The color wheel
Essential & Unit Questions… Why are colors important to know? What does color mean to you? What do colors do for our world? What are the different ways we use color? What happens when we blend certain colors?
Bloom’s Taxonomy The students will demonstrate: –Knowledge –Comprehension –Application –Analysis –Synthesis –Evaluation
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills § Art, Kindergarten. –(1) Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. The student is expected to: (B) identify colors, textures, forms, and subjects in the environment.
References "Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains." Colocation Broadband Wireless Dedicated Servers DocSTAR DSL Web Hosting Web Design & Development - Infinity Internet. 15 Sep Roblyer, Margaret D.. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (4th Edition). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, "Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS)." Welcome to the Texas Education Agency. 15 Sep