Building an effective public service for wealth creation and generation Institutional Reforms and Managing Change By: Allen Kagina (Mrs) COMMISSIONER GENERAL URA
Presentation Outline DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER2 Introduction Opportunities within the civil service Challenges in the civil service Institutional reforms and managing change Summary
Introduction The civil service is the implementing arm of government The civil service provides an enabling environment for economic growth and development The institutional memory of any country – The civil service is the pride of any country DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER3
Challenges in the civil service National capacity building strategy Tracking employee performance management Inadequate systems to manage the employee register – eliminate ghost workers Attracting and retaining talented people The focus on budget rather than planning DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER4
Challenges… Developing the right attitude for professionalism and making people transparent and accountable Developing model leaders and professionals Building values such as integrity to fight corruption Bureaucracy in the civil service The need to win trust in excellent service delivery DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER5
Opportunities to enhance service delivery General government support - National Development Plan (NDP) has stretched goals that call for a professional civil service The NDP theme of “Growth, employment and socio- economic transformation for prosperity” is a driver to build professionalism in the country DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER6
Opportunities… Investing in technology to support business processes Globalization which leads to competition and adopting best practices DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER7
Reform Strategies & managing change Develop a vision for the civil service transformation to include: – Image change – Creating a new civil service that is fundamentally different from the old (business oriented) – Developing a road map for institutional transformation – Implementing modern business processes and systems DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER8
Reform strategies… – Modernise the people to enhance their productivity – Building mutually beneficial partnerships with stakeholders – Developing staff competencies to match new requirements – Identifying with the society we operate in and on an integrity footing DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER9
Reform Strategies… – Develop a culture of urgency in service delivery – Reorienting staff to service delivery – Maintain a flat structure to increase efficiency – Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) – Result oriented performance management DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER10
Summary-Reform Strategies Reform is not a one off exercise but an ongoing process Institutions, procedures, staffing have to be reviewed to check if: – The intended objectives are achieved (effectiveness) and – If this is done in the most efficient way DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER11
Summary-changes in work ethics Changes in the Public Service work ethics from: – rulers to servants – patronage and favours to equity (no discrimination) – anonymity to “name label”- design clear process flows that define accountability (Refunds process) – secrecy to “freedom of information” from ‘tell nothing unless authorised’ to “tell everything” – deciding at the top to delegation, devolution; DEVELOPING UGANDA TOGETHER12