Nutrients Regulate body functions Promote growth Repair body tissue Obtain energy
Energy (Calories) comes from food Maintain body temperature Keeps your heart beating Brain functioning Physical activity Calorie activity.
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates- C6H12O6 Simple Sugars Naturally found in Fruits, vegetables, and milk Glucose-major supplier of energy for cells Complex Starches Found in Grains and grain products percent of Your total caloric intake Fiber Helps keep your Intestinal system regular Whole grain products, Fruit, vegetables, seeds Supply: Energy(4 cal/g Vitamins & Minerals
Fats Fats-Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen Saturated Animal origin-Animal fat-beef, pork, chicken, ect. Solid at room temperature Increase cholesterol Levels in blood stream Unsaturated Plant origin-vegetable oils, seeds and nuts Liquid at room temperature Highest energy Content-9 cal/g Form part of the structure of your cells Necessary for healthy hair and skin No more than 30% Of total caloric intake
Proteins Amino Acids=The Building blocks of Proteins. Essential Your body can’t manufacture So we must get them from our food 9 Nonessential Your body can manufacture 11 Contain NITROGEN, Carbon, Hydrogen, And Oxygen Proteins in your body Are made up of 20 different A. Acids Energy-4 cal/gram Build and repair body tissue Animal products=Complete Proteins Plants=Incomplete proteins