Theme Section From Research to Writing
PURPOSE What are you accomplishing in this section? Explaining how your character’s experiences in the history or culture of your novel caused her/him to learn a lesson. Example: Walter’s experience of racism and segregation caused him to learn that family can get him through difficult times.
Steps to Follow 1.Consult your intro. --Determine what lesson your character has learned as a result of her/his experience in the novel. 2.Consult novel. --Find examples to support theme from intro. --Find direct quotations to support theme from intro. 3. Consult your research. --Find information to support theme from intro. --Determine paraphrases and direct quotations. 4. WRITE YOUR PAPER.
STEP ONE CONSULT YOUR INTRO: FOCUS ON THEME A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry is a reflection of 1950’s America by showing how the racism and segregation of that time period put strain on a poor African American family. Walter Lee Younger is driven to try to drink away his frustration with the racist attitudes of people like Karl Lindner. Through it all though, Walter learns that strong family bonds can get one through difficult times.
STEP ONE CONSULT YOUR INTRO: FOCUS ON THEME Through it all though, Walter learns that strong family bonds can get one through difficult times. A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry is a reflection of 1950’s America by showing how the racism and segregation of that time period put strain on a poor African American family. Walter Lee Younger is driven to try to drink away his frustration with the racist attitudes of people like Karl Lindner. Through it all though, Walter learns that strong family bonds can get one through difficult times.
STEP TWO CONSULT YOUR NOVEL TO FIND DETAILS THAT SHOW HOW YOUR CHARACTER LEARNS THE THEME. 1.Walter wants to be a rich man. (want things qt p76) 2.Loses money he invests in liquor store (no map qt p99) 3.Lindner tries to buy out family (offer qtp112) 4.Walter considers taking deal (show qt p 115) 5.Walter decides not to take money (pride qt p132) BE SURE TO FIND BOTH DETAILS AND QUOTATIONS.
STEP THREE CONSULT YOUR RESEARCH: LOOK FOR INFO TO PARAPHRASE AND QUOTE. 1.Read research slip of paper I handed out. 2.Underline information to help support your theme. 3.Mark a direct quotation you would use.
STEP FOUR BEGIN WRITING YOUR THEME SECTION: 1.Topic sentence identifying theme and how character learns it. 2.Supporting details including quotations and paraphrases from novel and research. 3.Explain how those details support the point you made in your topic sentence.
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND Theme section should be about 1 page. You can do one paragraph for this section, but it may take you more. Use information from both novel and research. Use both paraphrases and direct quotations. Keep thesis in mind. Not a summary. How does your character’s experience of the history or culture cause her/him to learn this lesson?