Participation in Renardus - business issues Michael Day UKOLN Renardus Workshop, Lyngby, 16 November 2001
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Outline n Business models n Towards a business model for Renardus n Costs and cost elements n Sustainability issues
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Business models (2) n Business models are: n A means of building long-term sustainability n Should cover, e.g.: n costs n potential funding n risk management n Strongly linked to organisational model
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Business models (2) n Very little published about business models for digital library services n Existing literature focuses on e-commerce applications, e.g.: n mail order, advertising, subscription, free trial, direct marketing, incentive schemes, business to business n A recent CLIR report mostly covers services with digital content, e.g. JSTOR or HighWire Press
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Business models (3) n Commercial models: n Advertising (used by Web search services) n Subscription or license n pay per use n Fee-paying membership (e.g., consortia) n Project-based funding (e.g. for R&D) n Sponsorship
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 A model for Renardus (1) n To support the organisational model outlined previously: n Central Renardus organisation n Management n Service Provision and Maintenance n PR n Service providers (gateways)
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 A model for Renardus (2) n Current status of business model: n Still under development n Consortium-based organisation n Look for realistic options for the continued funding of Renardus: n Sponsorship (or partnerships) n Advertising n Providing niche services for third parties n Project funding (e.g. for continued R&D) n Any others... ?
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Costs (1) n Little known about exact costs n Cost elements will include: n Administration n Strategic development n Licensing and rights management (e.g. for the use of software, subject schemes, etc.) n Technical maintenance n Publicity and outreach n Support for service providers and end-users
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Costs (2) n Service providers will also have costs, e.g.: n Application procedure n Setting up and maintaining a Renardus Z-server, e.g.: n conforming to data model n periodic normalisation n software upgrades n... n Mapping DDC to own classification scheme
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Costs (3) n On payment of an fee, Renardus could possibly undertake some tasks on behalf of service providers, e.g.: n Setting up and running a Renardus server n Providing classification mappings n Providing a generic gateway toolkit that would include Renardus compatibility
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Sustainability? n Sustainability: n A lot still needs to be worked out in more detail, e.g.: n costs, identifying possible funding streams, distribution of income, etc. n Identify key tasks of Renardus organisation and service providers in taking this forward n Scalability: n e.g., the maximum or minimum number of service providers needed for viability
Renardus Workshop, 16 November 2001 Contact Michael Day UKOLN University of Bath Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom