Long held views of how and why feathers evolved have now been overturned.
Hair, Scales, etc… Hair, Scales, etc… Tubular Feather Tubular Feather Evolution Dino or Bird Dino or Bird A Fresh Look A Fresh LookFeathers Evolved In Carnivorous Dinosaurs Did feathers evolve from elongated scales? Did feathers evolve for flight? Did feathers originate with birds? No, we now know feathers are modified skin cells. No, Evidence shows that feathers evolved for warmth. No. New discoveries in China prove that… Hair, Scales, Fur, Feathers
Hair, Scales, etc… Hair, Scales, etc… Tubular Feather Tubular Feather Evolution Dino or Bird Dino or Bird A Fresh Look A Fresh Look Totally Tubular Feathers
Hair, Scales, etc… Hair, Scales, etc… Tubular Feather Tubular Feather Evolution Dino or Bird Dino or Bird A Fresh Look A Fresh LookEvolution Comes To The Feather Stage 1: Small hollow tubes from skin. Stage 2: Downy feathers form. Stage 3: Barbs develop to hold feather together. Stage 4: A closed hollow vein develops in the middle. Stage 5: Asymmetrical flight feathers Stage 1 Animal: Allosaurus Stage 2 Animal: Beipiaosaurus Stage 3 Animal: Tyrannosaurus Rex Stage 4 Animal: Velociraptor Stage 5 Animals: Microraptors, Archaeopteryx
Hair, Scales, etc… Hair, Scales, etc… Tubular Feather Tubular Feather Evolution Dino or Bird Dino or Bird A Fresh Look A Fresh LookDinosaur Or Bird? A r c h a e o p t e r y x ; T h e e a r l i e s t k n o w n b i r d. M i c r o r a p t o r g u i ; O n e o f t h e l a t e s t d i n o s a u r s. Both were capable of flight… Both had nearly identical bone structures… And both now tell us what happened to the dinosaurs…
Hair, Scales, etc… Hair, Scales, etc… Tubular Feather Tubular Feather Evolution Dino or Bird Dino or Bird A Fresh Look A Fresh Look A Fresh Look S i n o s a u r o p t e r y x Caudipteryx A r c h a e o p t e r y x D e i n o n y c h u s Baby T-Rex O s t r i c h B a l d E a g l e Tyrannosauroid So, which came first, the feather or the bird?? The answer is: NEITHER ONE! They both came from the same place… DINOSAURS …And THEY came first.
Most of the photos and information for this presentation were taken from “Scientific America” June 21 st Special Edition,“Which Came First, The Feather Or The Bird?” Adapted for PowerPoint By: Steven Eric Pohl. Any mistakes of fact or interpretation are mine and mine alone. Music sample taken from “Silent Scorn” by Megadeth. Dialogue sample taken from “Jurassic Park” spoken by Samual L. Jackson