Welcome to Open House! AP Calculus AB Emily Kennedy
Why AP Calculus AB? NAViGate through Calculus (Numerical, Analytical, Verbal, Graphical) Take the AP Calculus test (REQUIRED) Earn one semester of college Calculus credit Challenge yourself and learn
Class Information Class website: Updated daily with homework Upcoming quizzes, projects, and tests Downloadable files Parent List: Reminders about quizzes, projects, and tests Progress reports General updates
Grading: Tests: 60% Quizzes: 15% Homework: 10% Final: 15% 90 – 100:A 80 – 89:B 70 – 79:C 0 – 69:F Home Access Center is a great way for you to stay up to date on your child’s progress. For more information, you can call the front office: (770)
Classroom Expectations Students are expected to: Follow all school rules Have (and know how to use) a graphing calculator: TI-83 or 84 Actively participate in class discussions Work and study every night Seek extra help when needed
Extra Help Textbook Calculus of a Single Variable (Larson, Hostetler, Edwards) Before school, 8:00 – 8:30 After school, 3:45 – 4:30 RISE (Reteaching Instructional Support Experience) Mandatory for students with <75 at 4 weeks Extra help with teacher (before / after school)
Derivatives Applications of the Derivative Integrals Applications of Integration Basic Differential Equations What We’ve Been Doing Precalculus Review Limits and Continuity What We Will Be Doing
Contact Information
Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your evening!