Welcome to Algebra CD!! Please put the following info on your index card. (that you like to be called)
Stacy Fleming Algebra CD Temp 1 Voic Class website:
Course Description: This course will cover the second half of Algebra 1 over an entire school year. We will continue to study the topics covered in Algebra AB, as well as adding new information with a large focus on linear functions. The course will follow the sequence for the second half of Algebra 1 set by Jefferson County standards and expectations.
Required Materials: You will need these EVERY class period! Textbook Spiral notebook for notes, in-class exercises and homework Folder with pockets Graph Paper PENCILS/Lead/Erasers Ruler Glue Stick Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or above)
Assessment and Grading Policy: Your final grade for the semester will be calculated with the following weights. Interactive Notebook/Participation – 35% You will begin each week with 10 participation points. Tardiness, unexcused absences, and misbehavior will adversely affect this grade. You will lose one point for each tardy, not having required materials and not actively participating in class. However, exemplary behavior and participation will be rewarded with extra credit! Your notebook will be checked for 2 points per day. Please see HW/INB Check FAQs. Homework – 15% Homework will be checked each Monday for the previous week. Please see HW/INB Check FAQs. Assessments – 50% Quizzes will vary in frequency and size, but should be expected on a weekly to daily basis. Tests will be given at the end of each unit and will each be worth 100 points. Your final exam will count as two test grades.
Behavior Expectations: Students will come prepared for class. This includes the textbook, writing utensils, calculators, engineering paper, and any other tool recommended by the instructor. Students come to class on time and ready for warm-ups. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses class. This is done only after the room is put back in order (desks, trash, etc.) No cell phones and no mp3 players of any kind (iPod, etc.) at any time while in the classroom. If I see or hear one, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day. Dress code and other expectations spelled out in the Conduct Code book are observed and followed. Always have RESPECT for yourself and one another. In doing this, you will be in compliance with all school and district policies.
Classroom Policies: Attendance - Attendance is crucial to understanding the material presented in this course. Missing a block day is the equivalent to missing two traditional days, so the work load of a block day will likely surpass a traditional day. If a student has an excused absence, he/she has two calendar days per day excused to makeup the material for full credit. After the two days, the work is considered late. Tardiness is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. A tardy will result in a 1 participation point deduction for each offense, and after 5 tardies, parents will be called and administrative action will be taken. Late Work - Late work (tests and quizzes) will be accepted for up to one week from the due date but will only receive 50% of the points earned for that assignment. These must be made up in STAR or Seminar.
Extra Credit - There are many ways to receive extra credit in this class. There will be an optional Problem of the Week posted in the classroom on Mondays and it is due that Friday for up to 5 points. There will also be challenge problems in the textbook that you can do for up to 5 points each. There will be NO extra credit available at the end of the semester to bring up your grade. Take advantage of the daily opportunities and you won’t have to worry about it later! Restroom Passes – ignore! Note-Taking - All students are required to have a notebook where they will take daily notes. Your notebook will be graded with a weekly check.
Keeping informed - I will post your grades on Campus weekly (they will typically be updated at the beginning of each week). Therefore it is the responsibility of the student (and parent) to check these grades on a regular basis. There should be no misunderstanding of your performance in my class. If you have any questions about your grade, or notice a mistake, please contact me ASAP to rectify the situation. Also, continue to check my wiki ( for announcements and assignments. Final Words: I am looking forward to a great school year and hope you are as well. Remember…”You only get out of it that which you put in!”