WELCOME! to AP Statistics On the desk in front of you will be a disclosure statement. Please read through it quietly until I call your attention.
Discussion Items: Roll & Seating Chart Disclosure Procedures The Classroom Books The Syllabus Water Wrap-Up
FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. FOLLOW THE ROY HIGH DRESS CODE, AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY (NOT SEEN OR HEARD). BRING ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS TO CLASS DAILY. The following are required each day in class - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN; I HAVE NONE!: a) textbook b) notebook with plenty of paper c) sharpened pencils or pens d) a graphing calculator (TI-83 - in any other, keep your manual handy! TI-92 or higher will not be allowed) DO NOT USE PROFANITY, PUT DOWNS, INSULTS, OR ENGAGE IN INAPPROPRIATE CONVERSATIONS. NO FOOD IS ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. WATER BOTTLES WILL BE ALLOWED.
QUIZZES & ASSIGNMENTS - 35%: Unit assignments will be given as well as multiple in-class assignments. These are due at the conclusion of the unit, on TEST day. Work on assignments is required. The problem and the answer alone will receive a zero. Show a middle step wherever possible. Answers need to written in complete sentences. Quizzes may be given from time-to-time. TESTS - 65%: All tests will be taken during class time. Tests need to be started and finished in the time allotted. Textbooks and notes may not be used during a test, and calculators may not be shared. Some questions require the use of a calculator, so students be prepared.
LATE WORK: Work will be accepted for one week following the test day for the unit. For each day late, 10% of the total will be deducted with a maximum of 50%. TEST RETAKES: Tests may be retaken once anytime prior to the end of the quarter. Any retakes need to be taken during EO hour or be scheduled in advance. A test missed due to absence must be made up on the following EO day or be scheduled in advance. In each case, a print out from the attendance office showing the excused absence must be included. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!
ATTENDANCE & the Tardy Log To Contact Me… The BLOG
Your first Assignment – Signed Disclosure Procedures & The Classroom: Coming in… Tardy… Discipline problems… Borrowing Materials… My Stuff and Your Stuff… Sharpening Pencils… Hall Pass… Turning in Work… Turning in absent work… Turning in Late work… A Typical class, and behavior in Class… Work Time… Empty Time… MY Classroom…
Books & The Syllabus…
Somewhere in the notes you are taking, summarize, in your own words, the basic principles of experimental design. 1.Control 2.Randomize 3.Replicate HINT: you could look these up…
Definitions you should know, things you should be able to describe: sample vs. census observational study vs. experiment Confounded variables - explanatory vs. lurking variables Simulations statistical inference
Definitions you should know, things you should be able to describe: experimental units, subjects, treatment factors, and levels of factors Placebo association vs. causation Units –> Treatments –> Observe Response placebo effect control group
Definitions you should know, things you should be able to describe: Control is the first basic principle of experimental design Randomization Randomized comparative experiments Principles of experimental design (pg 296) 1.Control 2.Randomize 3.Replicate
Definitions you should know, things you should be able to describe: statistically significant completely randomized double-blind lack of realism matched pairs design block design