Welcome to the Tosa East Math Department! Sara Cortichiato Department Chair
Where do you see yourself after high school? Military(2%) Apprenticeship (3%) Employment (1%) College/University (74%) Technical College (16%) Undecided 2% Based on 2010 TE graduates
Important Facts: Almost all Colleges and Universities require Advanced Algebra or higher! Two-year colleges require at least two years of math – students with more are better prepared
Side by Side Comparison 9AlgebraAccelGeometry or Geometry AccelAlg 2 or Alg2 w Trig 10GeometryAccel Alg 2 or Alg 2 w Trig Accel Pre- Calc or Pre- Calc 11Algebra 2 w Trig Accel Pre-Calc or Pre-Calc AP-Calc AB or BC 12Pre-calc, *Stats/Disc, *Colg Prep, *AP Stats AP Calc, *Stats/Discrete, *AP Stats *Stats/ Discrete or *AP Stats
1.What course is my proper placement? 2.What does my middle school math teacher suggest? 3.What does my WKCE score show? 4.What does my MAP score show? 5.If I am struggling, why? Effort? Homework? Testing? Understanding?
Math Support Systems Math Emphasis Help from teachers before and after school, study halls
Summer School Options Algebra (sem 1 & 2) credit recovery Geometry (sem 1 & 2) credit recovery Algebra (1 yr credit) Geometry (1 yr credit) Accelerated Advanced Algebra (1 yr credit)
ACT research 4 English 3 Social Studies 3 Science 3 Math
Calculators All classes need at least a scientific calculator Courses above Algebra 2 need a graphing calculator (preference TI-83 series)
Welcome to the Tosa East Math Department! Sara Cortichiato Department Chair