MSIT Academy
Start Word using the Windows Start button. (This is the most common method.) Microsoft Word 2010 may then be located under the programs grouping.
Start Word using the desktop shortcut. If this option is not available, demonstrate how to create the desktop shortcut.
Start Word using the Most Frequently Used Programs list on the left side of the Start menu.
Start Word by right-clicking a Word document and left-clicking Open.
Start Word by double-clicking a document that was created in Word.
Which method do you prefer? After a brief discussion, explain the benefits of using each method. Examples of possible explanations are listed below: Method 2: The Word program window opens, displaying a blank document so that the user can begin working immediately. This method is the quickest way to open the Word program window and immediately begin working in a blank document. The shortcut is always available on the desktop for quick and easy access to Word. Method 4: Right-click a Word document and left-click Open. This method starts Word and opens a specific document. It eliminates extra steps that must be taken after opening the Word window to open a document that was previously created in Word