Acid Rain
What is acid rain? It is rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when emissions combine with water.
Is acid rain dangerous? Yes it is very dangerous because it is strong enough to burn things that normally could not get burned. It gives you asthma and bronchitis.
What causes acid rain? Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air these substances rise into the atmosphere then mix or react with water, oxygen and other chemicals that react with each other to form more acidic pollutants. Humans cause acid rain from releasing so many different chemicals into the atmosphere. Acid rain is also caused by reactions in the environment.
Does Acid Rain affect nature? Acid rain causes lots of damage to our nature. It damages crops, trees, lakes, rivers and animals can also be affected. All living things, whether plants or animals, whether living on land or in the water are affected either directly or indirectly by acid rain.
Even buildings, bridges and other structures are affected Even buildings, bridges and other structures are affected. Paint peels off cars and buildings due to the effects of acid rain. The bottom line is that all things are affected by acid rain.
Where does acid rain occur? Acid rain is mainly found in Europe, the United States of America and also china. Affected regions are usually close to towns and places where lots of people are. Long range transport of air pollutants can result in acid rain damaging things far away from where the pollution was produced.
What can be done to prevent acid rain? Lakes with acid in them can be treated by putting large amounts of alkaline substances into them. This process is called liming. You can also use coal with low sulphur content to reduce the amount of chemicals going into the atmosphere. Reducing the amount of all chemicals going into the air will also
reduce the chance of having acid rain reduce the chance of having acid rain. Burning fossil fuel is still one of the cheapest ways to produce electricity and also helps to prevent emission. Sulphur can also be washed out of smoke by spraying a mixture of water and powdered limestone into the smokestack.
Acid Rain Facts! !Bald man! Did you know that acid rain can burn your hair off and leave you bald for ever. Did you know that the statue of liberty is ‘melting’ and turning green due to acid rain as it is made of copper. The acid rain dissolves the copper and discolours it.
Did you know that some acids smell like oranges Did you know that acid rain has more acid in it than normal rain.
Did you know that acid doesn’t only come in the form of rain but also fog, snow and sleet Did you no that when you have a shower after being in acid rain you get a rash
Thanks for !watching! Thanks to Mikayla=Power point, Ideas Research, Script Danny=Research, Ideas, Attempted Video Katie=Research, Ideas Russel=Research, Ideas All viewers=For watching
Bibliography All information and pictures came from Google What is acid rain and Does acid rain affect nature info came from www.epa.govt/acidrain/education/site-students/whatcauses.htm
Is acid rain dangerous info came from www. tutorvista Is acid rain dangerous info came from Where does acid rain occur info came from What can be done to prevent acid rain info came from Interesting facts about acid rain info came from
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