1 Hugo BERGER ICT - PSP Grant Agreement February 17 th 2009 Sofia
2 Europroject Ltd Tel: Community Financial Contribution Eligible costs Eligibility conditions include necessity, actually incurred during the duration of the project, recorded in the accounts Direct cost Personnel costs Be directly hired by the beneficiary, under sole technical supervision, be remunerated in accordance with normal practices Subcontracting costs To be awarded according to the best “price-quality” ratio under conditions of transparency and equal treatments Other specific direct costs Indirect costs
3 Europroject Ltd Tel: Funding mechanisms Pilot type A and B 50% funding of eligible costs: Direct cost - actual as recorded in accounts Indirect cost - flat rate of 30% of personnel cost Best Practice Networks 80% of direct cost No funding of indirect cost Thematic Networks Use of lump sums and flat-rates
4 Europroject Ltd Tel: Thematic Networks - lump sum financing The Community financial contribution for thematic networks is calculated as follows:
5 Europroject Ltd Tel: Thematic Network - example 2 years thematic network involving a total of 15 participants (including the coordinator)
6 Europroject Ltd Tel: Thematic Network - special condition Thematics Networks are exempted from: the submission of certificates on financial statements, the provisions in the grant agreement concerning eligible costs and their justification by accounting and other evidence, the declaration of receipts of the project.
7 Europroject Ltd Tel: Pilot type A and B - Reporting and Payment conditions Payment to the coordinator Bank account exclusively used for handling the budget funds Payment schedule Pre-financing - typically to cover 18 months Interim Final - payment of the balance Payment rules Payment upon approval of reports and deliverables The consortium has 60 days after the end of the reporting period to submit reports and the commission has 105 days to pay submission of certificates on financial statements (mandatory for requests equal to or superior to 325,000 EUR by beneficiary
8 Europroject Ltd Tel: Where to get Information Documents available on e.g.: Model grant agreement Financial guidelines Guidelines for legal and financial validation Communication guidelines Guidelines on certification Helpdesk:
9 Europroject Ltd Tel: Thank you for your attention Europroject LTD Hugo BERGER 79 Iskar Str Sofia Tel/Fax: