Do Babies Matter?
The Rise of Women PhDs
Women PhDs in the Sciences
What Happens to Men and Women After They Get Their PhDs?
Who Gets Tenure?
Who Gets Tenure in Science?
Men 38% More Likely
Single Mothers more successful
Second Tier
Men with early babies 2
Women late babies
14 Shifting Career Goal away from Professor with Research Emphasis: UC Postdoctoral Scholars
Paid Maternity Leave
What is the cost of career on family formation?
Family Status
Getting Divorced
Fast-Track Professionals
Make or Break Decade: Timing is Everything
Baby Lag
women one in three women
wished they could have had more children
Single 12 Years Out
OMG I forgot to have a baby
Double Measure
What are your next Steps
Personal Strategies STAY ON THE FAST TRACK Don’t Marry a Jerk Stay in the Game Learn Mother Time Mind Your Mentor Take a Chance on Second Chances
Best Practices LEAVES Paid maternal disability leave or active service modified duties for mothers (usually 1-2 semesters of teaching relief) Active service modified duties for fathers (usually one semester of teaching relief) Parental leave (typically one semester for men as well as women) Centralized funding for maternity and parental leaves
Best Practices STOP-THE-CLOCK Stop-the-clock policy for mothers, triggered automatically (unless people opt out) Stop-the-clock policy for fathers, triggered automatically (unless people opt out)
Best Practices DUAL CAREER SUPPORT Establish dual career protocol Specific university official employee to help with dual career hiring Provide centralized funding to help departments fund positions for second hires
Best Practices PART TIME TENURE TRACK Pre-tenure Post-tenure
Best Practices CHILDCARE Childcare center, with space for infants Secure childcare positions for recruitment purposes Offer dependent care travel grant Emergency childcare
Best Practices MISCELLANEOUS Adoption expenses Lactation rooms
Creating and Sustaining a Family Friendly Culture POLICIES ALONE DO NOT WORK! Make room for fathers All policies are entitlements not requests (centrally funded, if possible) Deans and Chairs Training and Toolkit Well advertised and publicly posted explanations of benefits for all level of scholars (including graduate students and postdocs) A high level administrator and a legal counsel responsible for advertising and enforcing the policies
# of Children at UCB
Coming Soon! Do Babies Matter? The Four Patterns of Gender Bias and How to Ensure They Don’t Derail your Career How Do Your Workplace Policies Measure Up? Double Jeopardy: Women of Color in Science Some Things are Illegal It’s Cheaper to Keep Her LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD - WORKSHOPS IN A BOX A series of workshops for stepping up retention of women in the STEM pipeline.
Stay Connected! Send us your comments and feedback at: Stay tuned for the launch of our website in Summer 2012