Horizon 2020: Basics and First Calls Ronald Vopel Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Unit H.2 – Surface Transport Maritime and Innovation Brokerage Event Santiago de Compostela, November 2013 Picture copyrights pending where applicable
Horizon 2020: Basics and First Calls 1.Horizon 2020 key characteristics and rules 2.Work programme: Features and mechanics 3.First calls: The contents for waterborne transport and Blue Growth
Horizon 2020: The Basics CoherenceSimplification Innovation Watch the official Horizon 2020 presentation on-line: horizon-2020-official-version-2013/
Innovation, Simplification and Coherence Rules for participation: Three main objectives RfP Horizon 2020 CoherenceSimplification Innovation
Keeping flexibility where needed. A single set of rules etc. EU Financial Regulation Specific rules for participation Covering all H2020 research and innovation actions EU Financial Regulation Specific rules for participation
Conditions for Participation Minimum conditions Standard collaborative actions At least three legal entities each established in a different Member State or an Associated Country ERC, SME instrument, programme co-fund, coordination and support, training and mobility actions: One legal entity established in a Member State or in an Associated Country Additional Conditions In the work programme or work plan
Time to grant: speeding up the process How to speed up the process No more negotiations: each proposal evaluated 'as it is' not as 'what could be' Legal entity validated in parallel No more paper: e-communication & e-signature of grants
One project = One rate For all beneficiaries and all activities in the grant. Defined in the Work Programme: ‒ Up to 100 % of the eligible costs; ‒ but limited to a maximum of 70 % for innovation projects (exception for non-profit organisations - maximum of 100%). (*) Research and technological development includes scientific coordination. (**) For beneficiaries that are non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs (***) The reimbursement of indirect eligible costs, in the case of coordination and support actions, may reach a maximum 7% of the direct eligible costs, excluding the direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary. (****) Including research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs) Maximum reimbursement rates Research and technological development activities (*) Demonstration activities Other activities Network of excellence 50% 75% (**) 100% Collaborative project(****) 50% 75% (**) 50%100% Coordination and support action 100% (***) A single funding rate FP7
Personnel costs Wider acceptance of average personnel costs Acceptance of supplementary payments Simplifying participation for SMEs Less requirements for time records …and more in the Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement Cost reimbursement
Single indirect cost model 20% ? 60% ? Real ? Simplified? Single model: 25 % Flat Rate Single model: 25 % Flat Rate FP7
An example New funding model: what impact on the EU contribution? Direct costs Indirect costs Total costs % EU contribution EU contribution Flat-rate (60%) %€ 120 Direct costs Indirect costs Total costs % EU contribution EU contribution 100/25 Funding %€ 125 FP7
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Transport WP characteristics Challenge-based approach: broad latitude for applicants to devise innovative solutions Broader topics, less prescription, focus on impact Biennial WP, annual calls (in most cases) 1 topic = various projects (in most cases) No 'ring fencing' of topic budget (in most cases) Simplified list of possible types of action (research and innovation actions: 100%; innovation actions: 70%;…) 2-stage evaluation for most topics Facilitated access through keywords and tags (new interface on the portal)
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Evaluation process Single stage - all Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs: 12 topics) - ‘Green Vehicles’ call (RIAs: 4 topics, IAs: 4 topics) Two stages ‘Mobility for Growth’ call (RIAs: 20 topics, IAs: 4 topics)
Stage 1 proposal submission Proposals of max 15 pages (excess pages are marked), focus on the S&T content, intended results and impact + 2 additional pages to describe the consortium and the estimated resources (this info is not subject to evaluation) Evaluation stage 1 proposals Proposals evaluated remotely, two evaluation criteria: excellence and impact Outcomes: "NO GO" and "GO" proposals Stage 2 proposal submission – "go" proposals only! Proposals retained in stage 1 invited to submit a complete proposal. Evaluation criteria: excellence, implementation and impact Evaluation Stage 2 proposals Remote evaluation with final panels in Brussels. Information on the outcome to be made available max. 5 months from call deadline. Month 0 Month 3 Month 4 Month 8 Month 9 Month Negotiations and signature of the GAs Signature: max. 3 months from the results of the evaluations Call publication
Timeline (tentative) EVALUATION PLANNING 2014 GV (1 stage) Deadline 28/08 GV Evaluation 15-26/09 + Consensus/Final Panel 06-24/10 ESR to proposers: Beginning December MfG CSA (1 stage) Deadline 27/03 CSA Evaluation 14/ /05 + Consensus/Final Panel 12-23/05 ESR to proposers: Beginning June Deadline 28/08 CSA MfG RIAs and IAs (2 stages) Deadline 18/03 Stage 1 Deadline 28/08 Stage 2 MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNov.December
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation CALLS Calls in the Field of Transport: Mobility for Growth Green Vehicles Small Business and Fast-Track Innovation for Transport Transport Challenge contribution to other Calls: Blue Growth Smart Cities and Communities
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation CALL ‘MOBILITY FOR GROWTH’ Areas addressing Mode-Specific Challenges: 1. Aviation; 2. Rail; 3. Road; 4. Waterborne Areas addressing Transport Integration Specific Challenges: 5. Urban; 6. Logistics; 7. Intelligent Transport Systems; 8. Infrastructure Areas addressing Cross-Cutting Issues: 9. Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities for policy-making
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation WATERBORNE EUROPE NEEDS: A modern, safe, secure and resource efficient waterborne transport system that interfaces with the overall transport system Sustainable development: optimal use of energy sources, minimization of environmental impacts (pollution, noise, space demand etc.) (Global) competitiveness: creation and deployment of R&I solutions; exploring new frontiers in terms of vessels (and their production), operational paradigms (also in new areas), and the industrial use of oceans and seas
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation WATERBORNE Topics see pre-published WP : green_transport_ _en.htm Towards the energy efficient and very-low emission vessel 2014 – 2 stages Safer and more efficient waterborne operations through new technologies and smarter traffic management 2014 – 2 stages System modelling and life-cycle cost and performance optimisation for waterborne assets 2015 – 2 stages Advancing innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) sector 2014 – 2 stages
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The objective is to address wide and complex ocean challenges which are cross-cutting in nature ("The Ocean of Tomorrow" legacy) Links across several Societal Challenges (Bio-economy (SC2), Environment (SC5), Transport (SC4), Energy(SC3) and other pillars of Horizon2020 (Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies, Excellent Science) Addressed in the Focus area "Blue Growth" (see next) Cross-cutting marine & maritime research in Horizon 2020
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation AREA 1: Sustainably exploiting the diversity of marine life BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA BG 1 – 2015: Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems BG 2 – 2015: Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture BG 3 – 2014: Novel marine derived biomolecules and industrial biomaterials BG 4 – 2014: Enhancing the industrial exploitation potential of marine- derived enzymes
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA BG 5 – 2014: Preparing for the future innovative offshore economy BG 6 – 2014: Delivering the sub-sea technologies for new services at sea BG 7 – 2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions AREA 2: The new offshore challenge
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA AREA 3: Exploitation of deep sea resources – deep sea mining To be addressed in SC 5: "Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials" => Sustainable production of raw materials
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA BG 8 – 2014: Developing in-situ Atlantic Ocean Observations for a better management and sustainable exploitation of the maritime resources BG 9 – 2014: Acoustic and imaging technologies AREA 4: Ocean observations systems and technologies
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA BG 10 – 2014: Consolidating the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors to reap the potential of seafood markets BG 11 – 2014: Monitoring, dissemination and uptake of marine and maritime research BG 12 – 2014/2015: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for Blue Growth AREA 5: Horizontal aspects (1)
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA BG 13 – 2014: Ocean literacy – Engaging with society – Social innovation BG 14 – 2014: Supporting international cooperation initiatives: Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Research Alliance BG 15 – 2014: European polar research cooperation BG 16 – 2015: Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans' AREA 5: Horizontal aspects (2)
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Blue Growth Focus Area, next steps Pre-publication of WP in week of 25 November 2013 Brussels info day 17 January 2014
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