Can Children Recover From Divorce? Sarah Pingie Period. 5
What is Divorce? Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
Divorce has become a common occurrence in today’s society Divorce has become a common occurrence in today’s society. Without planning ahead, many couples are quick to marry knowing that if things do not work out, divorce is only a few pieces of paper and a waiting period away. Marriage is hard work and requires daily commitment on the part of both the husband and wife to make the union last. Children, on the other hand, do not always understand divorce. Children are affected differently depending on the age of the child. Many children experience anger, frustration, and sorrow.
It’s all my Fault… When a child is told that their parents are getting a divorce, they automatically blame themselves, no matter what the reason is. All a child wants is for their family to be whole and happy. Other times, a child might be thankful for a divorce. Most of the time, children are scarred from divorce. Even though children say they’re okay, children are always hurting from divorce. Within time, things do get better , but research has shown that children still cope with depression, trust, or anxiety they receive from divorce.
Is divorce something that kids can recover from Is divorce something that kids can recover from? With every divorce, children will be emotionally scarred at first. Many children are capable of recovering from divorce but are they really just trying to hide their feelings? Not many children share their true feelings. In many cases, when parents are divorced, they are not concerned about the children, so they focus more on themselves and their happiness. Realizing their family is torn apart and knowing that it will never be whole again is what scars children the most.
How Divorce Affects Children A divorce can create stress, problems, and difficult emotions in any family. Most kids suffer emotionally in divorce. Children tend to feel angry with their parents for causing them pain, feeling embarrassed about their decision, and guilt; feeling like they couldn’t help keep them together. No one who has seen a child experience divorce will be surprised by this. When couples with children divorce, the kids lose the family they have known. Children of divorce suffer fears of abandonment, hope of reconciliation, uncertainty and anxiety about the future, concern for the happiness of their parents, embarrassment, fear of rejection in their own relationships and other emotional distress. Divorce increases the risk for psychological and behavioral problems. Children are more likely to find themselves visiting a mental health professional. Two other indicators of psychological problems, rate of teen pregnancy and dropping out of school. Behavioral problems, too, are more frequent in single parent families. If the parents are still in conflict, the children suffer. Children may be able to adapt after the loss, but not successfully if parents continue to fight, if the parents put them in the middle or if one parent disappears from the child’s life entirely. Divorce may not ever really be over for kids, but they can return to the safety and peacefulness of their former lives. Reconciliation 1. the restoration of friendly relations. 2. the action of making one view or belief compatible with another.
Distress Among Young Adults from Divorced Families
It Does Get Better. Divorce is the end of a marriage, but it is also a new beginning. It is a time to make changes for the better. Divorcing parents are, most naturally, concerned about the effects of divorce on children. Not all children are damaged by divorce. Many kids dealing with divorce survive without major damage. This does not mean their lives are not changed by divorce, or that they come through entirely unscathed. Children can escape severe emotional damage. Some children gain a level of resourcefulness, social self-confidence, self-reliance, and emotional reliance through the process of divorce. If the parents whose marriage failed are obviously good people who could cooperate and avoid destructive behaviors after the divorce, that can lead to a good divorce. Another way parents can have a good divorce is deciding to keep their problems out of the children’s reach. Not involving the children in the divorce drama helps the children feel like they do not always have to be on a side and to help them decrease the stress they already have.
Why Divorce? It is complicated to understand why parents get divorced. When people marry, they plan to be together forever. But marriage is hard work, and sometimes people just are not able to keep everything working smoothly and going well. Often they decide that the best priority for themselves and their children is to end the marriage. People can grow apart or stop understanding each other. People can fall out of love, seek attention from another that they do not receive from their husband or wife, or one might even fall in love with another person while being married. Many marriages fail because of disagreements. Instead of talking, many parents are fighting.
In Conclusion… Divorce is an extremely diverse subject, and it is going to be viewed in a different way by many individuals based on their experiences. The way children respond to divorce varies greatly from child to child and divorce cannot be blamed for all the problems that a child may experience after a family breakup. Through the research presented here has focused on the negative effects divorce has on children there are instances where children hardly experience any ill effects from divorce. This is usually the case when the child’s parents are in abusive relationships or they are able to continue healthy relationships with both their parents. Sadly, this is the expectation and not the rule for children dealing with divorce. The outcome on how serious the effects are on a child after divorce can vary. It is all revolved on how the parents handle the divorce; what decisions and choices they choose to make will change the way the child is affected. Despite the fact that there are several different opinions concerning the effects divorce has on children, the majority of researchers agree that having married parents offers many benefits to children. These include but are not limited to, a higher standard of living, exposure to effective parenting, less stress overall and are more likely to succeed in school. When it comes down to it, “you can choose to see your family as rearranged, or you can choose to see it as broken”.