Welcome ! To Mac Islamic School Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Our Mission To be a school of choice focusing on academic excellence that produces positively influential individuals with exceptional Islamic character while having fun. A Happy Place to Learn Integrity Passion Quality
How We Start Our Day The school opens at 08:00 every day. Some of us come by school bus, but others are driven by car. We are all glad to have a safe way to get to school. Alaa, Grade 5 Ahmed, Grade 4
Morning Assembly starts at 08:15. We show that we are proud Muslims every morning. We line up for Dua (morning prayer) We play games.We share our learning. See our school spirit!
We love to learn… We read… We write… We listen… Each day is filled with different activities. We all excel in different ways. Abdullahi, Grade 4 Our learning time is from 08:15 to 15:45.
Math is the best part of the day for some students. Others love science or art. We enjoy learning with our friends. Nur, Grade 5 Rawda, Grade 2
We Love Our Teachers ! They believe in us and care for us. We are important to them and they want us to succeed.
We live to play… We are lucky to be able to play in the snow during our recess time when it is winter… …but the cold doesn’t slow us down at all. Morning Recess: 10:00 – 10:15 Lunch Recess: 11:35 – 12:20 Afternoon Recess: 2:00 – 2:15
We’re here to pray. The second pillar of Islam is to pray 5 times a day. We are lucky to have time for prayer in our schedule at 13:40 each day. We pray together to strengthen our Ummah (nationhood).
Alhamdulilah! Furkan, Grade 3 At 15:45 it is time to go home and share what we have learned with our families and get ready for another day at MAC Islamic School.