Greenock Prison
Background to Greenock HMP Greenock is a prison located in Greenock, Scotland. Greenock serves designated courts in the West of Scotland by holding male prisoners (both under 21 and over) on remand and short term conviction. Greenock was opened in 1910 and is managed by the Scottish Prison Service. HMP Greenock's Governor is Mr Jim Kerr and the Deputy Governor is Miss Morag Stirling. Greenock’s population/capacity is 272.
Structure of the Prison Greenock is used for males only It is used on a national level for inmates with sentences over 12 years and prepares them for being released. However it is mainly used for short term sentences or inmates on remand. Greenock’s cells can be occupied by one inmate, 2 or multiiple. Greenock has many facilities:- Microwaves - own bedding - own clothes - Television with sky/freeview - wide range of sport eg football, hockey badminton, wight training etc
Opportunities Whilst inmates serve their time there are a wide range of opportunities through education and courses Education is available in the following: Art Computing Cookery English Crafts Languages Maths Music Inmates can also be trained through the following vocational courses: Bricklaying Industrial Cleaning Laundry Painting & Decorating
Stories The Greenock Prison is set to be moving to a new site covering 2 Greenock schools costing £60 million. Will hold 300 inmates and opening in 2015. A spokesman for SPS says the old prison has served the community well but the new one will modernise the standards. The main news story involving Greenock is ofcourse the release of , controversial, Lockerbie bomber Megrahi. On the 20th August 2009 he was released on medical grounds by Kenny MacKaskill on meedical grounds.