The Advantages and Disadvantages New Technology The Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages the cost of making certain goods will be less so they will be cheaper to sell and more jobs will be created as more people buy the products the quality of goods will improve - computers and robots make fewer mistakes when they are building things than people do boring, repetitive jobs can be done by machines – e.g. robotic car welding / spray painting etc. dangerous jobs can be done by machines. many people will be able to work from home through computers using the internet / e-mail etc. highly skilled (and so highly paid) jobs will be created to design, build and operate new technology. our lives will be improved made easier e.g. automatic washing machines, microwave ovens etc. etc.
Disadvantages many jobs will be lost as machines and computers replace humans many jobs created (e.g. in Scotland) in the new industries are low-skill and low pay assembling jobs –i.e. putting the computers together many machines will be almost maintenance free e.g. TVs videos, washing machines so repair workers will not be needed as much. the improved lifestyle will only be available to those who can affect the new technology. many of the hi-tech jobs in Scotland are created by foreign multinational companies e.g. IBM, Motorola, Mitsubishi etc. who tend to shut down their foreign branches in a world recession.