1 Whole - LCD: Whole
Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. 1 Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: Whole
Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. 1 Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: GCF: 2 ÷ = Whole 6 1
Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. 1 Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: Whole
Whole Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. 1 Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: Whole Whole Whole 12 10
1 Whole Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. 1 Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: Whole
× = × = Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: 30
× = Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: 6 GCF: ÷ =
Step 2: Subtract the fractions. Regroup, if needed. Step 3: Subtract the whole numbers. Step 4: Use the GCF to simplify, If necessary. Step 1: Using the LCD, find equivalent fractions. LCD: 12 × = × = 3 3 9