Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © 2007-2011 … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved1 Introduction Why should you worry about a career when.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved1 Introduction Why should you worry about a career when you are still in high school? Time is precious and it takes time to do the following It normally takes 12 to 20 years to prepare for a career Develop your career goals Select a career Prepare for that career

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved2 Objectives Define the important career and job terms You should be able to do the following after completing this lesson Describe how you should go about selecting a career Identify how you will prepare for a selected career Review why you should not overlook the important of education Discuss how long it takes to properly prepare for a career Explain how to develop your career goals Summarize the link between education and income Explain the link between education and unemployment

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Why Do People Work? What the basic necessities of life are In this section, you will learn: Why people work How many years most people spend working Other reasons people work

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Selecting a Career Why you should define your career goals first In this section, you will learn: Why it is important to explore different careers What you should look for when researching different careers Why you should not under-estimate the important of money

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – The Work Force What the work force is In this section, you will learn: What the current composition of the work force is What will happen to the work force in the future What is unique about those 65 or older and still in the work force Work Force Composition Example You will run the following Interactive Example:

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Employees and Employers What an employer is and what they do In this section, you will learn: What an employee is and what they do The function of both employees and employers What the relationship between employees and employers is

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Types of Employees What a hourly employee is In this section, you will learn: What a salaried employee is What a full-time employee is What a part-time employee is How to calculate weekly pay for both hourly and salaried employees

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Employment Compensation What Total Compensation is In this section, you will learn: What Basic Pay consists of What Additional Pay consists of The two forms of Additional Pay What the Cash Equivalent Value of pay is

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Employee Benefits What Employee Benefits are In this section, you will learn: What the common Employee Benefits not paid in cash are How to estimate the Cash Equivalent Value of Employee Benefits Which employees get Employee Benefits How Employee Benefits are categorized What the common Employee Benefits paid in cash are

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Fringe Benefits What Fringe Benefits are In this section, you will learn: Which employees get Fringe Benefits Total Compensation Exercise You will run the following Interactive Exercise About common Fringe Benefits How much your Total Compensation can exceed your Basic Pay when employee and fringe benefits are considered

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Entry-Level Pay What entry-level and average pay is In this section, you will learn: Which type you will get when your first enter the work force What the entry-level pay for a specific job is based on How to estimate entry-level pay when the average pay is known

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – The Importance of Education What Human Capital is and why it is important In this section, you will learn: What is unique about those who have more education, skills and knowledge How much each year of education increases potential lifetime earnings New Jobs Example You will run the following Interactive Example: How the lifetime earnings for a bachelor’s degree compares to someone who doesn’t complete high school

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved – Unemployment What Unemployment is In this section, you will learn: Why some types of jobs are disappearing About the link between education and unemployment Unemployment Example You will run the following Interactive Example: If most people will experience unemployment Who regularly tracks Unemployment

Lesson 4.1 Job Basics February 28, 2011Copyright © … REMTECH, inc … All Rights Reserved14 Discussion Questions Why is it important to understand things such as employees, employers, total compensation, employee benefits, entry-level pay and unemployment? How long do you have to go to school before it stops increasing your potential lifetime earnings?