Dot.Safe visie 14 June 2002 Rolduc, The Netherlands Margit Hofer/ Roger Blamire
Government Issues relating to safety on the Internet are the cause of increased concern. Ministries are aware of the danger, and are currently investign in advice and recommendations to teachers and the general public.
General findings enough ressources and material are available question of quality and usefulness for schools and parents. how to draw the attention of teachers, but also of parents and the general public. how to transfer the solutions into the classroom/home
THE solution does not exist, since cultural differences as well as political directions between the European countries differ a lot. The biggest mistake is to rely on one single approach (only filters, walled gardens, awareness,...)
Filters „Isn‘t supervision the best filter?“ Teachers and Parents do not trust filters, but agree that they are improving Big ethical and educational concerns by teachers using filters Teachers do not want to be forced to use filters.
Teacher Awareness A high level of awareness among teachers of Internet dangers Role of ICT coordinator quite dominant Need for enhanced management role Over half concerns based on actual experiences (52%)
Teacher Concerns 1.Child Pornography 2.Vulnerability to paedophiles 3.Exposure to graphic images/violence/crime 4.Receipt of computer viruses 5.Racial hatred/discrimination 6.Exposure to explicit/crude language 7.Receipt of unwanted
Policies & Initiatives 96 per cent of surveyed schools have developed safety guidelines for Internet usage Permission to use the Internet was also required in the majority of schools Advice and guidance used to inform pupils about Internet safety Acceptable Use Policy is identified as a key strategy
Recommendations The focus of future work should be in the area of training and resources for teachers but also parents An internet safety teacher training programme should refer to –Vigilance –Technical and non technical strategies –Acceptable Use Policy –Parental liaison Teachers of the year old category should be a key target group
Recommendations development of policies for safer Internet use at school level is essential A focus should be put on parental involvement The protection of the identity of users should be a priority
Recommendations Responses indicate a high level of knowledge and use of the Internet by teachers Such knowledge may enable teachers to be actively involved in future initiatives The comprehensive database of internet safety information and resources should continue to be updated on a regular basis
Questions How does the material has to be designed in order to be attractive for teachers (paper, web, format,...)? Which canals shall be used for distribution?
Thank You Roger Blamire: Margit Hofer: