State of the Department: Statistics, Ed Object, ABET 11:00 What Else Has Happened in ChemE 12:00 Lunch w/ Faculty & Students 1:00 Student Session 2:00 Faculty Discussion - Report Out Wrap-up: Recs for 2009, Actions, and Ownership Adjourn Fall 2008 ChE Advisory Board Mtg. January 30, 2009
Dr. Her Yuan Chen PhD - Petroleum Engineering Texas A & M Dr. Bob Bretz PhD - Biochemical Engineering Texas A&M University Dr. Corey Leclerc PhD - Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota Dr. Michaelann Tartis PhD - Biomedical Engineering University of California - Davis Dr. Mike Riley PhD - Chemical Engineering NC State Dr. Tom Bickel PhD. Chemical Engineering University of Texas at Austin Dr. Doug Dunston MS Physics - Cal Berkeley DMA - Music - Claremont Dr. Mark Cal PhD - Environmental Engineering University of Illinois Dr. Robert Lee PhD. Chemical Engineering University of Michigan Dr. John McCoy PhD. Physical Chemistry University of Pennsylvania Mr. Seth Price MS – Materials Engineering New Mexico Tech Active Adjunct and Part Time Faculty Chemical Engineering Faculty & Staff
Undergraduate Enrollment
UG Enrollments ChemE is in top echelon of enrollments but has a fraction of the faculty support
Campus UG / FTE Ratios For the past several years ChemE has operated with double the Tech Student to Faculty Ratio Average of 11:1
Trends in Freshmen Enrollment Trends clearly indicate that ChemE will have roughly the same number of students as EE, Physics, and BIOL with less than half of the faculty support FTE
2005 Observed TRENDS Disparity of Faculty Resources Only current searches CS and Physics w/ 2 EE slots filled in 2007 In 3 years (2008) EE and Physics Dept’s will be roughly the same UG size as ChemE, both have 2 to 3 times as the number of faculty than that in ChemE
Administrative Support Financial
Space resources also limit potential in ChemE
Space resources per FTE
Space resources also limit potential in ChemE Proposal $ per sq ft
2007 – 2008 Proposal $ per FTE
Recommended Actions: Department for Carry Over: Carry out plan to increase “bodies” involved with Chemical Engineering students (FTE = 4.0) Owner Weinkauf/Gerity ??? 2. Carry Over: Initiate “Real” Space and Utilization Dialogue with all Dept’s in building - Owner: Strategic Planning Committee (Weinkauf) / President ??? 3. Carry Over: Develop 5 Year Plan. Owner: ChE Faculty Due March NOT MET 4. Get new faculty & get new faculty up and running: Owner: Weinkauf / VP Romero.IN PROGRESS 5. Reach out to elder alumni and new companies in New Mexico to become involved in the development and direction of the program. Owner: Board ??? 6. Adjust curriculum to respond to new faculty strengths and assessment tools. Owner: Chair. IN PROGRESS
Recommended Actions: Department for Carry Over: Develop a 5 year (long term) plan Owner: Faculty 2. Start-up annual fund raising effort for department endowment Owner: Faculty/IAB 3. Offer technical electives/graduate courses Owner: Faculty 4. Connect AIChE with three facilities to tour Owner: Faculty/IAB 5. Reach out to alumni and new companies in New Mexico to become involved in the development and direction of the program. Owner: Board
Educational Objectives
Recommended Actions: Educational Objectives for Revise Reaction Kinetics Course with eye on poor performance in FE exams as well as look for opportunities to reinforce numerical methods. (Owner: Leclerc)IN PROGRESS – course revamped 2.Complete evaluation of ChemE Laboratory sequence to reinforce transport concepts. Evaluate two lab senior year (Owners: All Faculty ) IN PROGRESS 3.Learn from other schools effective methods of teaching assessment and modes to improve teaching effectiveness (Owner: Weinkauf) Carry Over 4.Conduct the scheduled 5-10 year review of alumni and gage success of Educational Objective #4 (Owner: Faculty and Staff). NOT MET – IN PROGRESS 5.Design and Implement ChE Intro course with assessment eyes on retention. (Owner: Tartis). MET – NEW COURSE CHE 189 OFFERED
Recommended Actions: Educational Objectives for Overhaul/organize long term assessment plan (Owner: Faculty) 2.Evaluate senior design presentation with quantitative results (Owner: Faculty and IAB) 3.Re-evaluate use and value of FE Exam results (Owner: Faculty) 4.Set-up annual review of alumni and graduates (Owner: Faculty) 5.Review curriculum, i.e. evaluate pre-requisites, tech electives, coverage of learning outcomes (Owner: Faculty)
FE Exam ChemE Results Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Historically Tech ChemE’s pass at 71% rate Historically Univ. S. Alabama (6 yr. ABET accreditation) - 71% ChemE’s 71 % pass rate. Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla
FE Exam ChemE Morning Results
Total ChemE FE Results thru 2005 Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla ChemE’s Pass on morning results.
2005 – 2008 FE Exam ChemE Afternoon Results
Total ChemE FE Results thru 2006 Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla 40 examinees… clear trends emerging..