Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: Numerical simulation of rupture propagation and seismic motion Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: Numerical simulation of rupture propagation and seismic motion Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: SPICE Code Validation Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: SPICE Code Validation Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: SPICE Code Validation Numerical simulation of rupture propagation and seismic motion Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava MARTIN GÁLIS Early Stage Researcher Host Institution: Charles University, Prague Place of Origin: Bratislava, Slovakia Appointment Time: Jan 2005 – Mar 2005 Jan 2006 – Project: SPICE Code Validation Numerical simulation of rupture propagation and seismic motion Task Groups: TG Local Scale, TG Numerical Methods Cooperation: INGV Bologna, Comenius University, Bratislava
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing The SPICE Code Validation The SPICE Code Validation is coordinated by Peter Moczo (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) in close cooperation with Jean-Paul Ampuero (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) and Steven M. Day (San Diego State University, San Diego, USA)
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing General Remarks on SPICE Code Validation The SPICE Code Validation and the Model Sets should serve as a long-term basis ( even after the SPICE project is completed ) for possible tests and comparisons The possibility to test methods/codes should be open and user-friendly for anybody interested in the use of the SPICE Code Validation models
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing General Remarks on SPICE Code Validation The Model Sets should be designed such that new models could be added in correspondence with progress in the numerical modeling methods The long-term plan may include models for which we do not know reference solutions at present but it is very likely that the models/problems will be addressed in near future
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Based on the evaluation of the SCEC Code Validation and capabilities of recent numerical-modeling methods two model sets were elaborated: Wave Propagation ( WP ) Model Set Source Dynamics ( SD ) Model Set General Remarks on SPICE Code Validation
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Model Name GeometryVSVPVP/VSQSQPSource Freq. Range ABCPurpose / Note SPICE Subset UHS1halfspace inf. DCP 0.58 λs (1 Hz) 0 - 5distantreference solutionWP I UHS2halfspace inf. DCP 0.58 λs (1 Hz) 0 - 5closeaccuracy of ABCWP I LOH m layer / halfspace / 1.73inf. DCP 0.58 λs (1 Hz) 0 - 5distant presence of a layer ; interface on a grid plane WP II LOH m layer / halfspace / 1.73inf. Fin. Kin. on a grid plane 0 - 5distant LOH1 + FinKinSource on a grid plane SD I LOH m layer / halfspace / const const DCP 0.58 λs (1 Hz) 0 - 5distant LOH1 + Attenuation WP II LOH m layer / halfspace / 1.73inf. Fin. Kin. general pos distant LOH1 + FinKinSource in a general position SD I SC2.1 realistic model SFv/LAb complex structureWP III SC2.2 realistic model SFv/LAb simplified complex structure WP III Review Table of SCEC Models
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Wave Propagation Model Set SPICE Subset WP I Simplest canonical models designed to test accuracy of the schemes/codes with respect to individual factors/features of the models including ABCs ( includes SCEC_UHS1 and SCEC_UHS2 ) SPICE Subset WP II Canonical models combining two or more basic structural features ( includes SCEC_LOH1 and SCEC_LOH3 ) SPICE Subset WP III Realistic models ( includes SCEC_SC2.1 and SCEC_SC2.2 )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Subset WP I Simplest canonical models designed to test accuracy of the schemes/codes with respect to individual factors/features of the models including ABC ( includes SCEC_UHS1 and SCEC_UHS2 ) - homogeneous elastic space : dispersion, local error - homogeneous viscoelastic space : incorporation of attenuation - 2 homogeneous halfspaces : planar interface coinciding with a grid plane parallel with a grid plane non-parallel with a grid plane elastic interface viscoelastic/pure_Q interface - homogeneous halfspace : planar free surface - homogeneous anisotropic elastic space : anisotropy
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing - layer over halfspace : planar interface + free surface coinciding with a grid plane parallel with a grid plane non-parallel with a grid plane elastic and viscoelastic source inside layer, source in the halfspace - layer over halfspace : gradient in velocity / Q - layer over halfspace : random velocity distribution SPICE Subset WP II Canonical models combining two or more basic structural features ( includes SCEC_LOH1 and SCEC_LOH3 )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing - soft inclusion in a halfspace : lateral heterogeneity interfaces coinciding with a grid plane parallel with a grid plane non-parallelwith a grid plane -vertical layer in a halfspace : interface at the free surface - 2 homogeneous halfspaces : non-planar interface - free-surface topography : traction-free condition on non-planar surface Gaussian hill cliff slope SPICE Subset WP II - Continued Canonical models combining two or more basic structural features ( includes SCEC_LOH1 and SCEC_LOH3 )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing - Colfiorito, Central Italy : laterally bounded sedimentary basin in coordination with the INGV, Rome - Grenoble, France : deep Alpine valley in coordination with the ESG-2006, Grenoble, benchmark SPICE Subset WP III Realistic models ( includes SCEC SC_2.1 and SCEC SC_2.2 )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Source Dynamics Model Set SPICE Subset SD I simplest canonical models SPICE Subset SD II canonical models SPICE Subset SD III realistic models ( preliminary ) (visco)elastic parameters friction laws initial stress nucleation combined with geometries outlined in the subsets I and II
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing 1 SPICE Subset SD I simplest canonical models test standard friction laws: slip weakening, velocity weakening, rate-and-state friction
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Subset SD II canonical models
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Subset SD III Realistic Models test standard friction laws: velocity weakening, rate-and-state friction +including fluid interactions, thermal effects, damage mechanics, …
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Short-term Code Validation During the SPICE Project Model Set Unbounded homogeneous space elastic, viscoelastic Homogeneous halfspace elastic, viscoelastic Layer over halfspace constant velocity ~ point DC source ~ finite kinematic source velocity gradient Two homogeneous layers over halfspace H1 / H2 = (√5 -1) / 2 3D soft inclusion in the halfspace Moon ( Croissant ) valley 3D free-surface topography Gaussian hill Realistic model Grenoble Valley ESG 2006 (Grenoble) benchmark Source dynamics model
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Integral amplitude ( envelope ) misfit Integral phase misfit Time-dependent amplitude ( envelope ) misfit Time-dependent phase misfit Frequency-dependent amplitude ( envelope ) misfit Frequency-dependent phase misfit Time-frequency amplitude ( envelope ) misfit Time-frequency phase misfit Evaluation Criteria ( Metrics )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing The misfit criteria were developed by Kristeková, Kristek, Moczo and Day (2006). Misfit Criteria for Quantitative Comparison of Seismograms, Submitted to BSSA. You can download the pdf from ftp://ftp.nuquake.sk/pub/Papers/Misfit_Criteria_KKMD.pdf Evaluation Criteria ( Metrics )
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing SPICE Code Validation Website
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing The first official -announcement with the first deadlines will be sent to the SPICE community on February 20, 2006 First Official Announcement
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Thank you for your attention!
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Time-frequency Amplitude ( envelope ) and Phase Misfits
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Frequency-dependent Amplitude ( envelope ) and Phase Misfits
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Time-dependent Amplitude ( envelope ) and Phase Misfits
Mid-Term Review Meeting, February 13-14, Tutzing Integral Amplitude ( envelope ) and Phase Misfits