Make It Real, Make a Video Using Pocket Video Cameras to Create Classroom Videos
Why make a video? Fun way to share what you are doing with others Tangible product Bring excitement into the classroom Use language in real situations Great way to share class projects
Technology Standards 1.Creativity and Innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
2.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
3.Technology Operations and Concepts- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
What about the FL Standards? 1.3 Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Properly motivated? Let’s get started
Get permission Get parents to sign permission slips to post on Do not violate copyright laws Copyright laws
Plan your video Have the kids write an outline with specific characters and plot Write a script sample script or storyboardsample script storyboard Include everyone’s input in the class Keep the video short (no longer than 5-8 minutes) Use props
Choosing a pocket camera
Read the reviews before purchase A pocket camcorder does not replace the regular camcorder you use for recording your child’s sports events, etc. These cameras do not have a lot of lighting flexibility or other options They are designed for short videos to be shared on the Internet
Install the video camera’s software on your computer
How to use the Flip Camera Using the Flip Camera
Practice makes perfect Practice taping Use a full size tripod Decide who will do the taping
Taping your video Make a practice tape as the kids rehearse - review for problems Record the scenes Review and rerecord as necessary No need for perfection-learn from your mistakesperfection-learn
Create a movie Upload the scenes on your computer Create a movie with the Flipshare software Remember to be sure to have a parent permission slip from all students featured in the movie
Green Screen Set up a green screen to make it look like students are in different locationsdifferent locations Setting up a green screenscreen You will need additional software to add this effect such as “Premiere Pro” or “123VideoMagic”
Green Screen Possibilities Students can pretend to be interviewing a local from a Spanish speaking country with the appropriate backdrop. Students can go on a virtual tour of a Spanish speaking country with famous sites as backdrops.virtual tour
Need an easy file converter?
Share on Upload your movie on Share with parents Use older movies as examples for your kids or remove them at the end of the year
Want to burn a DVD? Yes you can burn a DVD of your movie to view in your DVD player at home. Must have a DVD +/- R DVD burning software Most of our projects will be shared to iTunes to be turned in. Finished iTunes files can be uploaded to schooltube and youtube.
One last word… Use Windows Movie Maker if you would like to make movies from photos or video files for PC users Newer versions are much more user friendly, no need to convert files Use iMovie if you want to make movies from a Mac.