1 Hesheng Chen Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing , China Future Plan of IHEP 1.Introduction 2.BEPCII 3.Medium and long term plan 4.Neutrino Physics Experiment 5.Beijing Spallation Neutron Source 6. CXFEL
2 Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China For : – Particle physics – Accelerator technologies and applications – Synchrotron radiation technologies and applications 1000 employees, ~ 650 physicists and engineers, 400 PhD Students and postdoctors Established at 1950, and became an independent institute for HEP at 1973.
3 Major Facilities Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC) Beijing Spectrometer (BES) Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory Beijing Free Electron Laser (BFEL) High Density Slow Positron Source
4 BEPC constructed in 1984 –1988 with beam energy: 1 – 2.8 GeV –Physics Run : Luminosity cm -2 s 1.89GeV, 5 month/year –Synchrotron Radiation Run : 2.2 GeV, 3 month/year Finished running April 2004, and started upgrade interleaving with SR runnning.
5 Observation of an anomalous enhancement near the threshold of mass spectrum at BES II M=1859 MeV/c 2 < 30 MeV/c 2 (90% CL) J/ pp M(pp)-2m p (GeV) body phase space acceptance 2 /dof=56/56 acceptance weighted BW 10 25 BES II Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003) X(1860)
6 Statistical Significance 7.7 BESII Preliminary BES: X(1835) in X(1835) 7.7 BESII Preliminary
7 X(1835) could be the same structure as X(1860) indicated by pp mass threshold enhancement X(1835) mass is consistent with the mass of the S-wave resonance X(1860) indicated by the pp mass threshold enhancement. Its width is 1.9 higher than the upper limit of the width obtained from pp mass threshold enhancement. On the other hand, if the FSI effect is included in the fit of the pp mass spectrum, the width of the resonance near pp mass threshold will become larger.
8 Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory ( Tibet, 4300m ) IHEP-INFN RPC China-Japan Air Shower Array
9 Hard X-ray Modulate Telescope Satellite scan sky for hard X ray point sources Charged particle shielding Collimator Crystals PMT Support structure
10 Comparison between HXMT and INTEGRAL Angular Resolution 2’ 15’ Source Location 0.2’ 2’ Sensitivity (10 -7 / cm 2 S keV) 3 10 Observation Mode survey yes no local imaging yes yes pointing yes no the HXMT satellite is expected to be launched by 2010 HXMT INTEGRAL
11 BEPC 4w1 Diffuse Scattering X-ray fluorescence analysis Topography 4B9 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering Photoemission SpectroscPopy 3B1 Lithography 3W1 Middle energy 4W1B 4W1A 4B9B 4B9A 3B1B 3B1A 3W1A 3W1B 4 wigglers and 13 beam lines. > 300 exp./year from > 100 institutions Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility 1W1A XAFS 1W1B High-pressure diffraction LIGA VUV Macromolecular 3B3 1w1 4w2 3B3 Soft X-ray Optics
12 Structure of third type of light–harvester protein. The structure diffraction data taken at BSRF.
13 BEPC future development High Precision Frontier: precision measurement in charm energy region (2-4 GeV), and search for new phenomena. Transition between continuum and resonance's, perturbative and non-perturbative QCD Rich of resonance's, charmonium and charmed mesons. New type of hadronic matter predicted in the region, e.g. glueball and hybrid , pentquark, exotic particles… Advantages at Threshold : large , low multiplicity, pure initial state, S/B optimum Upgrade BEPC into two ring collider, increasing luminosity by a factor 100, rebuild detector to adapt high event rate and reduce sys. errors. Estimated cost: 77M US$.
14 2. BEPCII: High Lumi. Double–ring Collider Build new ring inside existing ring. Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two IR’s, forming a double ring collider. BEPCII
15 BEPC II Double ring Design In the existing BEPC tunnel, add another ring, cross over at south and north points, two equal rings for electrons and positrons. Advanced double-ring collision technology. 93 bunches , total current > 0.9A in each ring. Collision spacing : 8 ns. In south, collision with large cross-angle ( ±11 mr ). Calculated luminosity : cm -2 s 3.78GeV of C.M. energy. Linac upgrade: e + 50mA/min., Full energy injection up to 1.89GeV In north cross point, connecting SR beam between two outer rings, in south cross point, use dipole magnet to bend the beam back to outer ring. SR run : 2.5 GeV. Major detector upgrade : BES III.
16 Schedule: 3 stages Stage I: –May –Oct. 2004: Linac upgrade –Dec – June 2005: Synchrotron Radiation running Stage II: 1 June- 30 Nov. 2006: – Tuning of two ring machine – SR running – BES III detector assembling and tuning Stage III –1 -15 Dec dismount interaction region. –16-31 Dec BESIII detector moving into beam line –Jan. – April. 07 : Machine-Detector tuning. Physics run by May 2007
17 Progress of BEPCII: Linac The installation of Linac upgrade finished at middle of Oct Tuning Linac, e - beam available for the ring injection middle of Nov. Synchrotron radiation running started at the end of Dec. 2004, Linac Tuning progress: close to design goals. –e+ beam available at the end of Linac March 19 –At the end of Linac, e+ current reached design value, and emmitance is better than design value. –Frequency 12.5Hz →25Hz → 50Hz – Positron injection successful.
19 Progress of BEPCII Most of prototype R&D are successful. –Antechambers –Magnets –Special magnets at interaction region –Power supplies –Pre-alignment of half unit. – …… Mass production of storage ring and detector components go smoothly. Jan.- June 2005 SR ruuning finished. 4 July Storage ring upgrade started.
20 SC cavities designed by KEK and IHEP, arrived
21 Magnet Production finished
22 Pre-alignment of half unit Half unit
23 Simulation of installation
24 Injection kicker magnet
25 Fabrication of vacuum chamber
26 Production and test of SC quads at BNL
27 Dual-aperture magnet (Q1) Q1a Q1b
28 Installation of two cryogenics systems finished, and reached the specification
29 Event statistics at BESIII Physics Channel Energy (GeV) Luminosity (10 33 cm –2 s –1 ) Events/year J/ ×10 10 ×10 7 ’ ×10 9 D ×10 7 Ds ×10 6 Ds ×10 6
30 Adapt to high event rate of BEPCII: cm -2 s -1 and bunch spacing 8ns Reduce sys. errors to match high statistics photon measurement, PID… Increase acceptance MDC: small cell & He gas xy =130 m s p /p = dE/dx=6% EMCAL: CsI crystal E/E = GeV z = 0.5 cm/ E TOF: T = 100 ps Barrel 110 ps Endcap Magnet: 1 T Super conducting Muon ID: 9 layer RPC Trigger: Tracks & Showers Pipelined; Latency = 2.4 ms Data Acquisition: Event rate = 3 kHz Thruput ~ 50 MB/s BESIII detector BESIII detector
31 Mechanical Structure of Draft Chamber
32 洁净间 穿丝机 Draft Chamber wiring machine
SC magnet: coil winding Coil winding completed on June 3
35 Assembling of BESII SC Magnet
36 Return yoke pre-assembly completed May 31
37 Return Yoke at Exp. Hall
38 Progress of CsI calorimeter 6300 crystals, (5.2x 5.2 – 6.4 x 6.4) x 28cm3 PD readout, noise ~1100 ENC Energy resolution: Position resolution: crystal testing and assembling for barrel Total in barrel receivedtestedAssembled # of crystal %71%63%45%
39 no partition wall Mechanical support structure
40 Simulation of installation
41 system : RPC 9 layer, 2000 m 2 Bakelites, no lineseed oil 4cm strips, channels Noise less than 0.04 Hz/cm 2 Production finished Installation of end cap finished
42 BESIII International Collaboration 20 Chinese Univ. and institutions US groups: Hawaii, Seattle … Japanese Groups: Univ. of Tokyo, KEK JINR Panda of GSI.
43 BESIII Expected Physics Results Because lum. Increase by two-orders of magnitude, BES III can obtain many important results in tau-charm physics, the main focus of this workshop. Some expected results with Monte Carlo simulation: Precise measure CKM parameters Precise R measurement Search for glueballs and exotic states, determine spin and parity studies on pentquark
44 Progress of BEPCII Most of prototype R&D are successful. –Antechambers –Magnets –Special magnets at interaction region –Power supplies –Pre-alignment of half unit. – …… Mass production of storage ring and detector components go smoothly. Jan.- June 2005 SR ruuning finished. 4 July Storage ring upgrade started.
45 Possible projects for Middle term Charm BEPCII Modulated hard X-ray telescope satellite Neutrino experiments: –Reactor neutrino to measure sin 2 2 13 –National underground Lab. –Very LBL oscillation experiment: J-Prac→ Beijing High power proton Accelerator: –Chinese Spallation Neutron Source 100KW→200 KW – Accelerator Driven Subcritical system Hard X-ray FEL Convert BEPC into dedicated SR source after BEPCII finished physics running
46 International Collaborations CMS & LHC: tier 2 for each EXFEL… ILC: Parameter choice, IHEP & Tsinghua U., headed by J.Gao Damping Ring study, IHEP group; Positron source study, sponsored by NSFC (G.X.Pei) RF power and modulators (Y.L.Chi) ATF2 collaboration, magnet production is in progress (J.Q.Wang); Superconducting RF cavity study (IHEP and Peking U., S.C.Zhao & D.Zhao);
47 Superconducting laboratory in IHEP
48 Multi-cell SRF cavity study ( )
49 Parameterization of neutrino mixing 6 fundamental parameters in neutrino physics : Known : | m 2 32 |,sin 2 2 32 , m 2 21,sin 2 2 21 Unknown: sin 2 2 , , sign of m 2 32 Exp. : reactor VLBL oscillation Daya Bay Reactor J-Parc → Beijing Neutrino mixing parameters
50 Experiment to measure sin 2 2 13 using Daya Bay reactor neutrino Daya Bay NPS is the best site in the world: – 60 km from Hong Kong, –12GW now, – good mountain near NPP for near and far detectors. Near (500m) and Far detector (1.8km), modular, expect accuracy of 1% in sin 2 2 13 NPS is happy to cooperate Site study and tunnel design are underway Chinese funding agencies agreed to support US physicists from LBL… joined collaboration, and DOE expressed interest to support
51 Dayabay Nuclear Power Station
53 Schematics of a multi-module detector
54 (4) Beijing Spallation Neutron Source
55 Main Parameters of the BSNS Approved by Chinese Government in principle July 2005
56 Proton linac injector 70MeV, 100μA, 25Hz RCS 1.6GeV, 62.5μA Target system =2.5×10 16 n/cm 2 s High Flax Powder Neutron Diffractometer Small Angle Diffractometer Liquid Reflectometer High energy DG spectrometer High Resolution Powder Neutron Diffractometer Layout of the BSNS
57 H - ion source (20mA): RFQ (3.5 MeV) ML loaded RF cavity Rapid cycling magnet White circuit power supply Ceramic vacuum chamber BSNS R &D Activities
58 The Beijing XFEL Test Facility Seeding L. s=270nm , P=200MW, s=100fs e beam E=1.1GeV , Ip=600Amp , n=2.5 mm mrad , E/E=0.01% Parameters1 st stage2 nd stage Undulator u (cm ) g (cm) Dispersion d /d FEL (nm) Lg (m) Lu (m) P (MW)200 in1140out300 in711out
59 The CXFEL plan Undulators and user stations of stations LCLSTESLAPAL XFELSCSSCXFEL Radiation wavelength [Å] FEL parameter, [x10 -4 ] (3.5) Peak coherent power [GW] (2.8) Peak brightness [x10 33 ] * Average brightness[x10 22 ] Electron beam energy [GeV] (6) Peak current [kA] Normalized emittance [ m-rad] RMS energy spread [%] FWHM bunch length [fs] Repetition rate [Hz] Bunches per pulse14, Undulator period/full gap [mm]30/538/1012.5/3.015/3.525/8(18/4) Undulator peak field [T] (0.95) Undulator parameter, K (1.6) Undulator beta [m] (25) Saturation length/total length [m]86/113145/17550/58.520/ (104) Segment length [m]* No. of segment3.42x335x354.5x134.5x5 Cost/construction schedule~225M$/3 684 M€/642M$/3 30M$/4 ~1.5BRMB/5
60 Thanks !