User Documents and Examples II Geant4 Tutorial at Marshall Space Flight Center 18 April 2012 Dennis Wright (SLAC) Geant4 V9.5
User Documents tml Application Developers Guide Toolkit Developers' Guide – for those who want to contribute to the extension of the functionality to the Geant4 toolkit Physics Reference Manual – a detailed description of the physics interactions provided in the Geant4 toolkit 2
Toolkit Developers' Guide Guides/ForToolkitDeveloper/html/index.html For developers and experienced users of Geant4 already familiar with functionality of the Geant4 toolkit as explained in the ``User‘s Guide For Application Developers“ a working knowledge of programming using C++ is assumed Includes a description of the object-oriented design of the Geant4 toolkit philosophy behind design choices a guide for users who want to extend the functionality of Geant4: adding new solids, modifying the navigator, creating new fields, etc. 3
Physics Reference Manual s/PhysicsReferenceManual/fo/PhysicsReferenceManual.pdf pr esents the theoretical formulation, model, or parameterization of the physics interactions included in Geant4 Describes the probability of occurrence of an interaction and the sampling mechanisms required to simulate it Serves as a reference for toolkit users and developers who wish to consult the underlying physics of an interaction. The Physics Reference Manual contains gaps in documentation which correspond to un-implemented interactions. There are also a few sections in which documentation is slight No more html version, only pdf version is available. 4
Examples Novice Examples Extended Examples purpose: – testing and validation of processes and tracking – demonstration of Geant4 tools – extending the functionality of Geant4. Advanced Examples purpose: – illustrate realistic applications of Geant4 in typical experimental environments Extended and advanced examples currently undergoing redesign and update 5
Extended Examples Chapter 9 of Application Developers Guide Examples for testing and validation of processes and tracking electromagnetic (TestEm0 – TestEm18), Hadronic radioactive decay, polarization EM field (field01 – field04) Geometry (volume overlap test) Examples to demonstrate Geant4 tools Analysis, event generator, g3tog4, persistency Biasing (B01-B02), optical, run and event Parameterisations (GFLASH Examples which extend the functionality of Geant4. parallel computing (ExDINE, MPI and TopC) 6
Extended Examples geant4/examples/extended 7
Advanced Examples Chapter 9 of Application Developers Guide Examples of realistic applications of Geant4 in typical experimental environments Examples of how to use analysis tools (histograms, ntuples, plotting and and so on) Visualization examples Examples of advanced user interface facilities 8
Advanced Examples geant4/examples/advanced 9
Gamma Ray Telescope Simulation of a gamma ray space telescope very similar to Fermi Gamma Space Telescope Studies the tracking and calorimetry of ~GeV gammas 16 Si foil tracker towers 16 CsI calorimeters GammaRayTelPhysicsList customized particle generator AIDA-based analysis 10
X-ray Telescope Simulation of XMM Newton telescope first application of Geant4 Studies the focusing of background protons onto focal plane arrays carbon fiber tube, x-ray mirrors XrayTelPhysicsList G4hMultipleScattering is main process General Particle Source AIDA-based analysis 11
Underground Physics Realistic example of underground dark matter search experiment Full lab geometry desks, cupboards, door and windows important for neutron scattering Physics low energy, standard EM neutron HP optical processes radioactive decay General particle source 12 PMT Laboratory Liquid/Gas Xe Scintillator including grids + calibrator Concrete Cavern also implemented
Hadron Therapy Specifically developed to address needs of proton and ion therapy Proton beam line Standard geometry for IAEA benchmark Physics – Reference Physics Lists – Specific 'local' physics list for the ion-ion interactions 13 Water Phantom Proton beam line for eye-treatments installed at the INFN-LNS facility in Catania
Human Phantom Anthropomorphic phantoms for Geant4 simulations Two models are available – MIRD and ORNL – male and female for each model Some geometries are implemented through GDML Physics Processes – standard EM processes 14 MIRD Female Phantom with particle tracks
Summary Toolkit Developers' Guide for a deeper knowledge of the structure and philosophy of Geant4 Physics Reference Manual to learn about the physics of Geant4 Extended Examples concrete applications which demonstrate Geant4 tools and capabilities Advanced Examples concrete applications of Geant4 in typical experimental environments 15