BSFT (Brief Solution Focused Therapy) A center support and crisis intervention in Wałbrzych Address: Wałbrzych, Ogrodowa Street 2a
Insoo Kim Berg (1934-2007) i Steve de Shazer (1940-2005) Brief Solution Focused Therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach developed in the 80's by American psychotherapists Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and cooperating with them team. They developed a method based on long-term observations of what helped people with whom they worked and insightful examination of customers' satisfaction with the help received. Insoo Kim Berg (1934-2007) i Steve de Shazer (1940-2005) 2
Brief Solution Focused Therapy Brief Solution Focused Therapy, based on the assumption of the existence of the client (before treatment) resources and skills, the use of which may be helpful in finding the right solution for the customer’s life. The aim of the therapy is to discover and strengthen those skills, so that the customer got the ability not only to build a new version of life, but also to take similar action in the future on his own.
The Assumptions of Brief Solution Focused Therapy) The therapist ceases to be an "expert" in the sense of "I know what the customer is and what it should do (what to achieve therapeutic goals) to solve the problem. The therapist is an "expert" on how to conduct the meeting in order to co-create with it the precise vision of the purpose and the most optimal way to achieve it, and find ways for it to traverse.
Brief Solution Focused Therapy The Philosophy of BSFT: In the BSFT therapy conversation is a tool Want to help people change - talk with them well!
Brief Solution Focused Therapy The Techniques of BSFT: - refer to the possibility of learning from the client's own resources and skills, - are used for building a positive vision of the future in the solution, - build the client’s hopes and sense of agency.
Brief Solution Focused Therapy The advantages of using internal solutions: We are together all the resources needed to pursue our goals. Each person is unique. Everyone made the best choice at the moment. Client trust these solutions, which he invented. He knows that the solution is tailored for him. He knows how to use them. He knows he has the skills needed to apply them. He feels independent.
Brief Solution Focused Therapy In the Brief Solution Focused Therapy: Diagnosis of little use, or even disturbing. In working with the client to focus on the present and the future. Treatment time is not fixed, but generally does not exceed 10 meetings. The direction of therapy determines not the type of problems, but the goal and what the customer wants.
The Therapeutic Process 1. The beginning of the therapy is to make contact with the customer - (at the first meeting of the conversation free from problem 5-10 minutes). Helpful questions: - Tell me about your greatest achievement in your life, of which you are proud! - Tell me about your biggest changes that have taken place in you in your life! - What are your interests? What do you do? What do you like to do?
The Therapeutic Process And then move to determine the purpose of the meeting. Helpful questions: What is the purpose of your coming here? What are your hopes in connection with the meeting? What would you like to have changed, as a result of coming here?
The Therapeutic Process Other useful questions in therapeutic work are: Whose idea was it that you came here? What he expects, as a result of your coming here? What he has to see what has changed in your life to leave you alone?
The Therapeutic Process 2. After defining a goal, go to building vision of the future without a problem and look for exceptions, "when the problem did not occur", or its intensity eased. To do it, use a "miracle question" and the question "when?, What?, How?, How?, Who?, Where?" relating to the times when it was better, when they were the exceptions.
The Therapeutic Process 3. The next step - assessing the current situation with "questions of scale." Asks the customer to place themselves on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the worst example, as it was, and 10 (for example day) - when life works out as expected. Placing yourself in this perspective helps in shaping reality, reduces black and white view of the world, it helps to see what already exists and determine progress in therapy. Scaling technique is also often used at other times working with the client to assist in evaluating and ordering certain topics. It can refer for example to maintain abstinence confidence, readiness to change, satisfaction, intimacy with another person.
The Therapeutic Process 4. After placing on the scale the client is working to determine the next step in the direction of improvement and this, how to do it.The customer is the person who decides what to do, when and at what pace will walk towards improvement. Each step is layered on specific behaviors. Even if "to be happier" is translated into concrete behaviours that have be real. It is defined, then the client will know that this step actually made an improvement. There is still working on the extraction of the greatest amount of detail, starting with the assumption that they will be more realistic, the better the chance for the implementation of such plans.
The Therapeutic Process 5. The last step is to transfer, usually after a short break and consultation with the team, final feedback. It includes a summary of the positive information received from the client, compliments associated with the necessary resources for the further progress of the client (everyone must have their reasons) I appreciate ... I like ... I'm impressed ... and to carry out the task to the next meeting.
The Therapeutic Process 6. The next meetings start by checking the current situation (eg, using the scale), and further work is focused on determining the next step towards improving ...... as above from point. 4, until the moment when a customer finds that it has achieved what he wanted and what he already has enough.
Recurrence Do not prepare clients to relapse - and so they know it. The proposed strategy is to rely on the work of sustaining the change, solutions for your situation. Helpful questions: How did you do that you've become calmer? How do you stop behaving aggressively? What will tell you that the next attack is coming aggression? What will you do to keep control of aggression? Analyzed here all the moments that were related to client activity in the direction of self-control of aggression and return to it. Is left on the sidelines analysis of "entry" in the moments of violence.
Brief Solution Focused Therapy Types of therapeutic relations Guest is a customer who comes in on behalf of a third party (employer, spouse / ratio, the court physician). Client applies to the obligation, call, make recommendations, but he do not see any problem in his own behaviour. The visit’s relations The aim towards the guest is to know what he wants and what he is willing to do voluntarily. We compliment and appreciate the guest for coming despite of the fact that it was not his or her idea. „Complainer” is the person who complains about something, but does not see itself as a part of the problem and part of the solution. He or she usually comes with the idea that another person has to change. Often „complainers” show themselves as caring, attentive people. The relation of complaining It should compliment them for such reasons as caring, commitment and making changes in their lives Client is the one to whom something is wrong and is ready to take steps to solve the problem. The relation of cooperating Customers are usually motivated to do something.
Brief Solution Focused Therapy Summary In Brief Solution Focused Therapy we: - Focus on the success of its customer, stress of doing what they have capabilities and strengths, which will help to build motivation and strength to achieve the objective, - Believe that the customers know the answer to their own questions, and know how to solve their own problems, - Treat clients as experts in their lives, who know what they serve, help, and what is important to them. The therapist is someone who asks and listens, as well as he is like „midwife the birth of ideas and solutions that are in the client”, - Focus on what is here and now, - Treat the past as a wealth of knowledge and positive experiences
"Patients know the solutions to their problems "Patients know the solutions to their problems. They just do not know that they know. " Milton Erickson
Brief Solution Focused Therapy Thank you for attention Małgorzata Jankowska Specialist Support Centre and Crisis Intervention Address: Wałbrzych, Ogrodowa Street 2a mobile: +48 74 846 75 58 e-mail: