Subject to Topic to Question The First Step in the Extended Essay Process Henrico HS
Subjects Allowed by IB and HHS Group 1 Group 2 Biology Chemistry Computer Science Dance Environmental Systems Geography Health and PE History Information Technology Literature and Performance Mathematics Music Peace and conflict studies Philosophy Physics Politics Psychology Theatre Arts Visual Arts World Religions World Studies
Extended Essay Subjects Extended Essay Subjects that are used a lot at Henrico High School Biology English History Human Rights Peace and Conflict Studies Politics Psychology
Pick a subject You love it You know a lot about it You want to know more
Narrowing a Subject to a Topic Do some web trolling Google searches Wikipedia is okay – especially for bibliographies! Look at keywords on sites Ask questions Go to the library; use the data bases. Talk to experts
Some helpful tips How Will You Know If Your Topic Is Too Broad? –If you find yourself in the library staring at a shelf full of books that could work as references for your topic, your topic is too broad. A good topic addresses a specific question or problem. –If your topic can be summed up in a word or two, like smoking, school cheating, education, overweight teens, corporeal punishment, Korean War, or hip hop, it is too broad.
The Process: Ask Questions Say you are interested in Postcolonialism Start asking questions –Postcolonial WHERE? Country? Region? –Postcolonial WHAT? Social attitudes of English in postcolonial India? Postcolonial Canadian fiction
Another example of asking questions to narrow to a topic The best way to narrow your topic is to apply a few of the old familiar question words: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?. Corporal Punishment –Paddling in grade school. (where) –Emotional effects of paddling in grade school. (what and where) –Emotional effects of paddling on female children (what, who) Hip hop. –Hip hop as therapy. (what) –Hip hop as therapy in Japan. (what and where) –Hip hop as therapy for delinquent youth in Japan. (what, where, who)
More examples of the process Public opinion polls >accuracy of polls >the accuracy of such polls in national elections > factors which determine the accuracy of public opinion polls in national elections. The climate of opinion between World War I and World War II > the moral climate, etc.> the particular arguments involved in the debate over Prohibition >the arguments for Prohibition used by the "Drys" in support of the 18th Amendment and their arguments in the late 1920's and early 1930's to prevent repeal. Discrimination against African-Americans >Northern attitudes vs. Southern attitudes > the particular geographical distinction > how Mason and Dixon's Line became a line of demarcation. The Civil War > crucial battles > one battle > Napoleonic strategy and the battle of Fredericksburg
Extended Essay topics used for these subjects Biology The effect of detergent toxicity on soil bacteria The effect of banana peel on seed germination The effect of ozone and sulfur dioxide on lichen growth and distribution
Recent topics used English Slaughterhouse Five and The Things They Carried as anti-war novels Shelley’s Frankenstein as an allegory for 19 th century women’s plight Symbolism in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath
Recent topics used History The effect of Japanese imperialism from 1870 through World War II on the western expansion in China The effect of the introduction of anti-biotics and sulfa drugs on US success in WWI The contradictory nature of the use of terror in the French Revolution
Recent Topics used Psychology Peer pressure and media violence and the Columbine High School shootings Effects of psychological arousal on athlete performance Accutane’s possible effects of depression and suicide
Good Research Questions from Possible EE topics 1. Must lead to systematic investigation, critical analysis and detailed understanding 2. Must not be of trivial nature, must aim to produce an argument that shows good understanding by setting the research question into context and addressing it fully and effectively 3. Must be appropriate to the particular subject in which the essay is submitted
How to ensure the “right fit” DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE! –
Topic to Research Question Too Narrow Too Broad Just Right
From Topic to Question A good research question is – broad enough to allow you to find plenty of material, –but narrow enough to fit within the size and time constraints of your paper. –To go from topic to question, specify the following: Time Period: century, decade, future, etc. Population Type: age, gender, nationality, species, etc. Geographic Location: country, state, region, etc. Point of View: economic, social, cultural, biological Focus: Jungian, Feminist, Historic, Marxist
Biology What is the effect of detergent irritants on the skin of children under five? Too Narrow Too broad Just Right English How is the problem of racial conflict treated in specific works of James Baldwin? Too Narrow Too Broad Just Right Subject/Topic Research Question?
History Which revolutionary manifesto has been more successful in supporting the progression of a people towards social harmony? Too Narrow Too broad Just Right Psycholog y How can research on perception differences between Asians and Americans be applied to web page design? Too Narrow Too Broad Just Right Subject/Topic Research Question?
More ways to approach A question that is too broad may retrieve too much information. Strategies for narrowing the scope of a question which may be used individually or in combinations. –Time: Since 1990? This year? In the future? –Place: Local social norms & values, economic & political systems, or languages. –Population: Gender, age, occupation, ethnicity, nationality, educational attainment, species, etc. –Viewpoint: Social, legal, medical, ethical, biological, psychological, economic, political, philosophical? A viewpoint allows you to focus on a single aspect.
Another important question: Can the question be researched? Which of these questions cannot be easily or fully researched? –Do the economic gains that result from a trash burning plant outweigh or not outweigh its environmental impact? (Yes, sufficiently focused with material available) –Is sexual preference a result of nature (physically based) or nurture (socially-culturally based)? (Doubtful – too broad for 4000 words) –Does McDonald's or Burger King make a better burger? (Absolutely not – what does “better” mean?) –Is Prozac a good way to treat clinical depression in certain cases? (Researchable but needs narrowing. Also avoid “good” – focus on “effective” and a certain age group) –Is there a link between hours of television viewing and violent behavior in children aged 8-14? (Researchable)
Evaluate Your Own Research Question: 8 Questions Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my own thoughts and opinions? Is the question easily and fully researchable? What type of information do I need to answer the research question? E.g., The research question, "What impact has deregulation had on commercial airline safety?," will obviously require certain types of information: statistics on airline crashes before and after statistics on other safety problems before and after information about maintenance practices before and after information about government safety requirements before and after Is the scope of this information reasonable (e.g., can I really research 30 online writing programs developed over a span of 10 years?)
Questions 5-8 Given the type and scope of the information that I need, is my question too broad, too narrow, or okay? What sources will have the type of information that I need to answer the research question (journals, books, Internet resources, government documents, people)? Can I access these sources? Given my answers to the above questions, do I have a good quality research question that I actually will be able to answer by doing research?
Tips for EE topics and Questions Certain subjects are off limits If choosing History, you may not focus on events from the past 10 years read the guideYou may, however, choose a current event under Peace and Conflict or Politics – read the guide! Choose subject you now have in school or have previous knowledge about If choosing Science, you must do an experiment
It’s up to YOU!